How i can profit from his inevitable victory, Jow Forums?

How i can profit from his inevitable victory, Jow Forums?

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you can't. With socialism everyone loses

If you really feel that way, sports gambling sites will give you action. The earlier you bet, the better your odds generally.

Go all in in an established crypto or even foreign currency because the dollar is going to pop like a balloon animal

Do you feel the BURN!!!
>The burn in your goddamn portfolio LMAO

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Short literally every fucking market you can.

stockpile ammunition for the inevitable 'dey gonna take our guns'. then quit your job, be black and have as many kids as possible. they'll throw fistfuls of cash at you and you'll never have to work again.

Place a big bet in Vegas or some online bookie that takes presidential bets.

I bet Trump wins again
I'd bet $100 usd on it

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What’s the odds he’s even alive then , 50/50?

Not gonna happen

>link to $1000

His victory would be inevitable in the general election. Too bad (((they))) already decided Bernie will never get there.

Just take out a bunch of student loans because Bernie won’t make you pay them back and quit your job so you get more welfare. Communism will totally work this time.

you came to the right place
the plan was to hide our money from him the whole time.

Bernie is with (((them))) you fucking tool.

Ah, poor goyim. So stupid, so easily tricked. You don't understand anything. There are two classes, conservative jews (government of Israel, me, every billionaire in the world) and there are liberal jews. Conservative jews run the world (and trust me, you benefit from this), while liberal jews are just our pawns, useful idiots.

Bernie worked perfectly for us. We propped up his campaign to attract a majority of democrat voters, and then forced the DNC to commit fraud and pick Hillary Clinton (and do it in an obvious way so everyone knows the DNC did this). This turned a great number of Democrats in key non-republican states into Trump voters, and we elected him easily. Now with him and Kushner in the white house, everything is going smoothly for us in Israel.

The beautiful thing is that democrats are stupid so we'll just do the exact same thing again. Turn the majority to Bernie, scam him out of the election, give Trump his second term.

Didn't even bother to read your jewish subversison. I'm sure it's an interesting fanfic/larp but eh not in the mood right now. Maybe later

leaving the country before you get taxed

>mfw i aspire to be this based

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This is why I love you goyim. We can literally tell you our plan and you just look away, you are perfect. I'm going to miss you after we have automation. Hitler really did a great job for us shaping European culture for Jewish domination. I hope he is doing well.

fpbp why are there even other comments

How can I profit from this?
Is marriage a good investment?
If you don't have 620k by 21, then you are never going to make it.

Just post it again later man I might read it if I'm in the mood

Heh, not so fast kid

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Escape the country and set up shorts.

In America, where does this meme that socialism is bad come from? From the cold war?
I mean from the perspective of where USA politics is, countries like Germany are extremely socialist, yet it's talked about like if socialism means Soviet totalitarianism.
Isn't it obvious that German like free university education is a good thing? I don't get it.

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I voted for Sanders the last time and even I think Trump will win again, even if Sanders wins the dem primary.
Incumbents have a tremendous advantage, look back through US history.
Trump is a shit president but an excellent campaigner.
If Harris or Clinton lose the primary, their supporters are not going to vote for Sanders en masse.

fpbp and /thread

Invest heavily in ammo and nonperishable goods, because there ain't gonna be enough to get us through.

Better dead than red.

Socialism works in white countries like all the ones in Scandinavia that Dems like to use as examples. It won't work in the US where you have too many hands taking and not enough feeding. Wait 1 or 2 generations and all the socialist countries in Europe will fail as well for the same reason

Socialism only works in Germany because those fuckers are literally sucking every country in the EU dry.

>implying (((they))) don't control both sides so they always win
>imply (((they))) don't take orders directly from ayy lmaos

Look we need soft communism #yanggang

Why is it obvious?
If it's a good investment. People will invest in it, like they do in businesses through loan. If it's not, because the person is spending 4 years on a journalism course they won't

What about eastern Europe? Countries which were over 99% white like Ukraine. Why didn't socialism work there?

This already happening in Belgium. There’s a massive influx of shitskins and niggers who come here for the gibs. They don’t learn our language and don’t work. But the people here are getting sick and tired of it and are becoming more and more racist, so things might get interesting during the next election... Fuck this socialist shithole.

I actually do believe he will win since the majority of the everyday working man is feeling the strain of having to maintain 2-3 jobs just to put food on the table and rising housing costs along with private healthcare that rapes your pockets, it is very easy to see why socialism looks inticing at the moment. However, I think his age will do him in before he takes office which is sad because I do want to see the worker peoples struggle relieved.

I really cant wait to see him and Yangs embarrassing life ruining loss for the final time

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Because niggers.

Dems will just rig the primaries again. It's the party of globalist capitalism, they just have better PR than the republicans. They want anything but a socialist to run the country.

Bernie /Tulsi 2020 ticket? It seems like they compliment each other perfectly

That's different, if you're talking about the USSR. I'm no economist but my parents escaped communist Poland in the early 80s so I have a pretty simplistic answer. The short answer I understand is all of the satellite states just had their resources syphoned off to support Russia. All grain grown in Ukraine was shipped to Russia and the food the Ukrainians got was nonexistent that's why there were such great famines.
But also Communism is in itself unproductive. Why would you ever strive to do better when you know extra effort doesn't get any extra results? No one ever did which is why everyone loved a mediocre lifestyle just barely getting by not even hoping for the future because there was nothing to look forward to. The future was so oppressive that my father says it wasn't even a life it was more of an existence.
My parents escaped their country almost 40 years ago and came to America with a combined 1200 dollars between them, worked hard, and now they have a relatively comfy retirement. I just wish today's youth would listen to oldfags who actually experienced communism and understand why it doesn't work


Bitcoin obviously. It will be the only place were the communists cant steal your money. $1,000,000 coming unironically.

Ok now wash your mouth you cocksucker

Step aside berndog, the Yang Gang is here

Trump is going to have a field day with this guy...