Walk into work and everyone says good morning

>Walk into work and everyone says good morning

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jeez lighten up user

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>have to say goodbye to everyone when I leave
>get stopped in the parking lot if i missed someone

I walk in and say good morning to everyone i see until i reach my seat but some of them never say it back to me. Should i be worried?

>work with subhuman polish immigrants
>the men shake hands everyday
>have to shake too or it's rude and i don't want to get stabbed

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I was autistic about having to do this shit at work everyday even though we were all miserable and it probably hurt me socially desu. Being a wagie, especially at a shit company, is torture

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It's basic social norms you fucking autist

Every single day?

I bet you're a real fat guy

Are you a Muslim girl or something?


>growing up everyone tells me to give firm handshakes and that my handshakes are girly
>now people tell me I'm too firm and hurt their hand

Just be that rude cunt of the work place op, it’s not even a hard thing too do.


That’s about how often a morning comes up in life yes


>no one says anything to me when I arrive, except one person
>reciprocate to that one person, don’t say a word the rest of day

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I gave the people what the wanted for the first month but after that I stopped putting up the charade and kept walking whenever they greeted me. After a couple of days, they got the message to stop greeting unless they needed to talk to me. I'm more polite to them because of it and they still get to normie it up from time to time. a win win if you have balls.

Best it just match the firmness of handshake with the person you are shaking hands with.

This is pleb tier interaction, next time you say good morning to someone remember you’re a massive faggot

intense amounts of autism radiating from this thread. board full of autistic faggots too socially retarded to greet people yet complain about how they aren't rich and wonder why they are broke. jesus


>don't reciprocate good wishes
>HR calls you in for a chat a week later

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HR are the biggest cucks in the whole company

Literally retarded, how do people not know how to SHAKE A FUCKING HAND??

>Colleagues see me make a cup of tea for myself.

>Boss wants a meeting with me and questions me why I didn't offer to make one for my colleagues.

Are you a nigger? Fucking subhuman faggot. It's like niggers who complain about people who open the door for them and say "have a nice day". kys you soulless faggot

Dude HR is so chill from my exp, plus you get this overwatch and get to put bigwigs tryin to flex back in their place I'd rather be in HR than a business partner but that depends on the industry.

>walk into my house and my dad says hello

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mgmt material right here

I’ve been the same my whole life and truthfully it’s a bad trait. People assume I’m an asshole or socially weird. It’s probably lead to a lot of people judging me in the work place and not letting me move when I’ve been certainly capable. Therefore, we need to be social if we want to move up in this world.

>dad goes to sleep every night wondering where he fucked up in raising a anime watching little autistic pussy

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>People assume I’m an asshole or socially weird
>People assume

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>walk out of my house and my mom says bye
what the fuck guys, why am I forced to interact with people?

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ok explain this please, I'm nice and treat server right and always tip, but somehow everytime i go more than 5 times to a coffeeshop or restaurant at first they're all super nice, then they expect me to make small talk, and when I don't they start to get weird, this happens also in work, been a wagie for 3 months now and my probation is almost over (they can add 3 months if they're unsure), i really think they're gonna add 3 months or fire me since I'm not social at all, I'm nice and i help people if they ask and i do my work but as an engineer in the IT department of a uni, my boss expects me to take initiative and socialize with the whole fucking uni and help them etc... which I can only do when on nofap (haven't tried yet since i have gf and fucking makes me as awkward as when i fap), do normies expect you to make small talk and say goodmorning and goodbye and behave weirdly if you don't or is it all inside my head?

I've noticed some boomers like to get right into my face and look right into my eyes in the morning to see if I'm fucked up kek

Its just we say it everyday. Why can't I just get my coffee and wake up in peace until I'm ready to talk after lunch?

I'm guessing you are like 16-18?

Social media has ruined this generation's social skills.

I also find when I go to a young cashier they turn into a autistic potato if I say anything to them. What happened?

>randomly walk into my friend in the street and he politely smiles while shaking my hand
what's the problem with people these days?

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>leave room to go to the bathroom
>mom walks in room to pick up trash

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They want to fuck

>post quietly on Jow Forums
>other start replying to my thread

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>my mom quietly knocks on my bedroom door once a week to talk with me
why is this allowed? I'm supposed to answer EVERY single time she knocks on my door?

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Fuck all of you I’m homeless living in my car in need of a job so fucking bad why god why did I hodl

shes the only one that loves you be nice to her

>not killing that faggot boomer
>not showing him
>not showing them ALL!!!1

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