
Attached: 1541403551492.png (951x972, 307K)

Idiot linkies it's over

Thanks just sold 100k

is it though, is it really?

Attached: 1551892937583.jpg (800x453, 78K)


>hey fellow discord fags I posted the thing

hey also XRP is a 41 billion supply kike scam coin that's never replacing or working with SWIFT lmao

fuck everyday this shit gets more grim...it makes sense why would any enterpise use link when they can build their own FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE MY WAY OUT

This equals a result for ctrl f chainlink

Attached: Screenshot_20190307-000021_1551913257382.jpg (1080x217, 32K)

In before thread removed.

What is this? Swift and Facebook? Is this legit info?

It's a giant nothingburger. move on

Its a Larp.
What du you think?

I Believe In An Omnipotentomniscient Omnipresent God Who Is In Control Of Everything All The Time There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In My Frame Of Reference

Set to run in the 1st half of 2019

"I Believe In An Omnipotentomniscient Omnipresent God Who Is In Control Of Everything All The Time There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In My Frame Of Reference Why Would A God Who Is In Control Of E"

Why does it just cut out? What is the rest of the sentence?

I don't know, that is why I asked. Where did it come from?

Its nothing new. Besides most from last year. Boooooring

what a surprise

Attached: chrome_2019-03-06_18-26-03.png (349x62, 3K)

Where are the slides from the presentation???

Its obvious fake. I have mire and more the feeling of being the victim to some discord pnd groups.

im going to be really disappointed if we dont see at least one lifestreamed suicide when 2020 rolls around and link has done nothing for a third year

Sergey’s presentation folder was shown by accident on livestream at ETHCC

That explains it. Nice.

Thanks, adding to stack. Appreciate info.

Todays presentation.
Than the whole project is really disappointing. Let me explain quickly.
Thats all presentations in that folder. FB and swift was last year. So no new presentations with both companies. Muuuuh. They probably went with witnet or rhombus.

Nice try Fudder. Lol

150 million valuation for this. Damn its overvalued. So much hot air.


no (you)s for the faggot fudding but what he's doing is shameful

Seems to be trying hard to suppress info, something smells like fish fud.

Attached: Chainlinkspam.jpg (601x664, 100K)

>Filtering out Chainlink

You must be a special kind of stupid.

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kys discord

It’s literally the view from Sergey’s USB drive from the live stream this morning. No LARP. Threads about it have been getting deleted all day

Why does Rory always complain about poor WiFi in the telegram? What does he do with his data that he needs to rely on free WiFi provided by the city?

Attached: 1551892971057.jpg (1410x1634, 692K)

Cope harder faggot

NDA issue possibly?

8/10 Larp

why dont you just share what you know with the community you toxic smug little cunt?

Nah. NDAs are usually fairly specific. Sergey would be allowed to mention facebook but not the applications they might be looking at.

>linkies actually believe this larping bullshit

top lol

Could be, it looks like it’s organized by organization and presentation. 2 for Facebook, 2 for SWIFT, Gartner, and a tech incubator I think. Very bullish

Calling out people on an annonymous board. You obviously do not deserve any information.

Attached: 20190306_192548.jpg (1440x2960, 1.32M)

Oh they will start killing themselves around q4 this year

This is how these faggot discords work
sucks to be you linkies ahahahaha

Bless you marine. You'll make it.

Rational logical thinking is not larping you degenerate faggot

I told you fuck faces that its over

Deal with it

retarded neet linkies.

Ohh you betcha

Good for Jow Forums != good for society

Thankfully I'm not the only one who noticed this. What a bunch of retards you all are. 1000 eoy.

Attached: 1524707735117.jpg (250x164, 5K)

Is Chainlink the only protocol what complies with ISO20022 standards?

No. Witnet, Oraclzie, Enigma (all superior projects) can do everything link does and more. Linkies are delusional morons.

missed one


>No Mobius
Not gonna make it friendo

>why would anyone have someone invest their money for them when they could do it themselves?