
I watched sergey talk this morning and i cant find a vod, but he essentially he said "we will have a solution very soon" if someone has a vod and get get a direct quote please do.

Also i follow the pivotal tracker everyday and a lot of the stories are about UI. If they have a UI we must be really close to a mainnet release.

Going to be exciting times.

Someone get that vod.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When are we finally going to stop discussing Chainlink? Can you all please finally admit that you were scammed?

1 bear after chainlink makes it.

Lets go Sergey!

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K, serious question:

Threads with the screencap from the French are being deleted. Does anyone know why? Is there a plausible reason aside from mods/Jow Forums being directed to, or given cease and desists? Like if it was fake, surely it wouldn’t merit deleting the threads?

what screencap?

How fucking annoyed did he look when ppl asked questions? I even got scared

This was their first I saw. It was Sergey’s usb drive at the start of the livestream. Threads have been going down left and right today because of it

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The laptop from a Paris presentation. The Chainlink USB key was plugged in and the folders showed talks at Facebook and other places. Look in the weird gay thread about Chainlink holders, people post it later.

The threads that originally posted it have been deleted, but someone says it’s fake and people are deleting their own threads to make it look like mods did it. I’m just trying to figure out if the pic was real or fake

Delete you faggot.

retard linkers are getting desperate seeing smart ex-linkers jumping ship

Discord trannies at it again S M H

what are we deleting?

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It’s been clarified not to be true. If it was, this could negatively affect links chances due to NDAs etc. If you hold link, it’s in your interests not to be a brainlet. If I saw you in real life, I’d rape your mother.

It was real. Rory confirmed in the Slack, said make your own assumptions or some shit, but it’s definitely real

rory confirms that usb livestream leak episode

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-135129_Telegram.jpg (1410x1634, 692K)

Report all posts with that screenshot.

Double checked for speaking the truth

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I saw it live its real. They pulled up the usb a couple times

god dam you guys are fucking stupid lol. You poor fags are not making anyone mad. you aer hurting your selfs.

Rory is just embarrassed and that's why his WiFi is poor quality all the time. Rory told Sergey to wear a cowboy hat because that's how they do it in Texas. Rory now refuses to watch any presentation with Sergey in it. Thomas told us in slack that Rory thinks only real men wear hats while presenting and if Sergey doesn't wear a hat he's not a "real man".


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Hat politics are pretty rife in places like San Francisco. And it just gets amplified in somewhere like Paris.

I hope the team can overcome this.

Thomas told us in the slack that Sergey makes them call burgers "Sergers"

what is the source on that



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Not real. Lots of grammatical errors.

All you fucking idiots know that this stuff is all true but will take YEARS to materialize---- why do you torture yourselves like this? Find something to do in the meantime. Go volunteer at a hospital or some shit. There's literally no way Chainlink moons this year. We're talking 2022 at the earliest and probably 10-15 years before peak adoption even starts ramping up. This is a long term hold, and you know it.

Proof reading by Adelyn confirmed!

im reporting u to police

Tiger mommy makes spelling mistakes all the time this is nothing new for Chainlink but these UI designs are the real deal.

Expect a Chainlink mobile app in the near future.

Heres more thank me later.

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holy shit someone whos actually making sense

literally just made a screencap of your post my lockscreen background
congrats, fren

do you guys actually believe that sergey is silly enough to allow confidential information be displayed.

This guy is a mad genius. The NDAs didn't make a exception to accideential disclosures. He knew that if he gave you faggots 5 seconds to share, you will be all over it.

Don't you get it. He's being coy about this. He wants you to succced. This is his "nod" to us, that shit's about to launch.

Grab hold of your bags anons. We will be blasting off in the near future.


This. Lets go Sergey! I think even hes excited.

how soon fren?

The true hero of the thread

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holy fuck we're actually gonna make it

No then we just keep coming back to gloat

Attached: 1525933068960.jpg (1680x1680, 286K) Is the company designing chainlinks UI

They also happen to be a 2 minute walk away from the chainlink office.

Attached: AWSMD & LINK.png (3602x1518, 1.68M)

>how to take a screenshot search in first tab from right
Listen to this guy, he's legit autistic

>the people you are holding with
they will sell when Link hits 3USD. KEK

Soon. Soon. Moon.


its a meme you dip

it's bait you actual autistic nigger lol

DUDE... so are you

Okay if you have been following the news at all you would know that Facebook acquired a small startup named Chainspace

It looks like Chainlink was talking to Facebook at one point but from the news alone that ship has sailed.

You idiots

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>who is Even Cheng?

do you even know what NDAs are? Don't fuck sergey over you retard

he also said mainnet soon. 2 years has gone

Delet pls friend

i already just count the money i bought link with gone. helps me sleep at night.

This kills the Linkpool

>It looks like Chainlink was talking to Facebook at one point but from the news alone that ship has sailed.
Sergey actually sold out Chainlink's information after Zergerberg mind probbed him at NormieBook

You just don't understand linkpool


looks like swift has other plans

Someone who needed help

I’m still high on LINK, from the banking aspect alone with Swift how could you not be? Be patient and we will be rich later in life, just not now

you guys should go out more, probably together like a total fags you are. jk if that was bait then it got me, it's past 3am in my place, going to bed.
there are many people that will sell 1,5-3 and they are not brainlets. imagine putting 100k's at 17c, and selling 70-90% at 3, party, check folio in a year and sell the rest or hold. different people, different stacks.

This is bullish for Chainlink I don’t know how you think this is bad news at all

fuck off fairy boy

you fucking tard, they acquired the team. You can literally go on the chainspace website and it says that they've stopped working on the project. If anything, this is bullish.

>In Stinkopia, big companies abandoning your enterprise solution is GOOD news

I want autistic Drainstink mongoloids off my board soon.

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You dumb spergs are oven ready.

Your mom is gagging on my cock ready

fake fucking bullshit. why are linkies so stupid.

Because the mods are all marines and they’re trying to contain it, because it might be an NDA breach
Based jannies

>Lots of grammatical errors.
that's how you know it's real.

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vibe.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens.

how does this scam work?

Hey spergy that’s what I wrote. You gotta wipe the cum stains on your glasses

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Chainlink $32.00 confirmed

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Man, I could Chainlink a BigMac right now. $32 is pretty steep though. There do apparently appear to be presents involved. I like that.

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notice how they deleted the mainnet task from the pivotaltracker after there was a thread on Jow Forums?

AHHhhhhhh they're fucking with us!
This isn't a joke. I'm going to lose my house I can't hold on much longer.

unironically this. why in the fuck is it so hard to understand this?


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There are none though.