Just got $1000 from final paycheck at work...

Just got $1000 from final paycheck at work. Already have another job lined up and have good savings so wanted to invest it. What do you guys suggest for crypto? Don't care what happens just wanna try and make a good bet.

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eth is definitely a good choice

Just throw that $1000 in the trash op, will be much less stressful and worth the same as if you did put it into crypto

>buy 20k XEM
>le alt bull run

Attached: gotem.jpg (679x452, 21K)

ICOs are over so Eth is over.

ethereum is legitimately a great investment

>good bet
That would be XRP

Nodes still 10k?

50/50 BTC/ETH. You sound like too much of a noob for me to recommend any alts.

Fuck off with your Jew scam. Banks will not ever pump your bags Ajeesh.

BNB, its the new Eth.

I just saw you in the other portfolio thread Hanjit. Kys

But what about pure mined currency on ETH?

>banks will never use the literal banker coin

Imagine being this retarded.

Imagine unironically thinking your centralized premined shitcoin will ever be used for anything other than dumping on gullible retards.


All in on BNB

Patrician choice

He’ll look back after the 20th and regret nkt listening

all in bnb

Yes pradeep, very big silicon valley government orchestrated dump since 2012. Do you get your news from Jow Forums images?

>Bloomberg tech illiteracy

Are you even trying?

Cardano ADA

go 50/50 eth/btc and hold long term (like 10 years plus) with $800

Invest other 200 in volatile cryptos.

Always bet on the house. The house being bnb.

Ripple is a real company. XRP is their fundraising scam. Only plebs waste their time following this token. They hired the fucking corrupt Jew lawyer who crafted New York State's Bitlicense racket. Enjoy your bags, faggot.