66 days into 2019

>66 days into 2019
>still unemployed

It hurts Jow Forums

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I'm jealous, enjoy it user

What sort of job are you looking for?

fuck i feel bad for you
post your eth address and i'll give you something to help you get by

wher is the liiight!?

been unemployed since november

I can give you advice if you give me shekels

>66 days into 2019
>still employed

It hurts Jow Forums

don't base your self worth on what you do for a living faggot

Man I’ve been like this for about two years now
It wasn’t supposed to be like this
I was supposed to do something when I left school for fucks sake

>Quit job and moved to a new town cuz i felt like it
>Sent a couple of weeks drinking and smoking weed to enjoy a few weeks off
>Decide to start working again
>Get a new job in 2 days
git gud fag

I started working at a debt collection agency in May of last year and it has fucking SUCKED up until last month and now I'm finally at a point where I'm making $4k in bonus a month plus $11/hr.

Put out 40 applications tomorrow on indeed/monster/whatever the fuck else website you want. 40. Not 15. Not 35. Fucking 40. Literally copy/paste your resume to 40 different places. Apply for shit you have no idea how to do, too, including at least one position you're so under qualified for you know you'll get fired eventually but your salary would net you a few grand in the first month.

You will get a job next week if you want it.

The shower is the most comfy and relaxing place. I sit in the shower too.

I stopped searching for a job after being promised by Trump that this was the best economy in existence. Sent in 12 resumes to 12 different companies and even applied for fry cook positions. Nothing.

>makingg $4k in bonus a month plus $11/hr.
from the debt collection job?


same. i got fired last year and immediately got some contract work, but it was sporadic. figured i could just get a job easily so I sat on my hands. started trying in earnest in november and have only had one interview. I signed my divorce papers today, and have to move out of my house at the end of the month.

A great job that I have experience in and requires a degree opened up this week, so I'm hoping they call me back. Please prey for me anons.

Unemployed for 13 months. And it's 3rd world reeeeeeeee

The Trump economoboost lastest for about 14 months. Beaners were running scared back over the border, opening up jobs for whites and increasing wages across the board. Then POTUS revealed his true kike nature. No wall, daca amnesty, giving billions to israel, typical neocon swamp shit.

Shit sucks bruh

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Yes, medical debt collection
It's commission pay based on how much you collect.

Basically I just ignore everything they tell me to do and stack up payment plans so I start the month with like $40k in cash money and then I get a kick backs

Some woman I work with made $10k bonus last month.

This is all after taxes


Ah I'm not the only one.

It has been 66 days? Jesus fuck

>1 year into the bear market
>Still 2 more years to go

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...jesus fuck how is no one but the chans talking about this?

Amazing how they fail to say what type of jobs these are. Probably shitty minimum wage jobs.

>stack up payment plans
Your management is retarded for not encouraging this line of thinking.
t. deals with you faggots constantly

find a part time easy job user
this will sooth your pain while keeping your self free

I genuinely feel for you guys but have no idea what to do to fix this.


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22 you're still in school. I wish I had 2 years to dick off afterwards. I've been employed since and it sucks.

>bittrex launched bitsdaq a new exchange for asia to compete with binance
>they are giving away 20k BXBC tokes for free
>Its guaranteed to go to $1 at least
>he isn't signing up

don't be a retard, binance airdropped me 1000 bnb and i sold at $3, this is giving me the same vide.

ZFEU7UVU use this code to get 2000 extra tokens.

The only thing that can fix it is the government investing trillions into infrastructure projects that aren't a money sink, like NAWAPA. If the government fails to do that within the next decade America is going to be the new Weimar Republic.

only if you're in trade/college mate, and even then we were doing 0.5/PRN shit back in the Bush era
>going to be
>expecting massive spending to fix everything
culturally we're there, means the banks aren't far behind
as for investing trillions, are we borrowing that or are we restructuring the government to get that money from elsewhere...like the faggots living in northern VA/DC/south MD

That's the problem, modern economics is incompatible with actual nation building. Maybe the government will figure something out, or maybe we'll end up like the Soviet Union in 1991. Not trying to be a doomer, but enjoy every day like it's your last.

dubs tell me which university degree I should apply for.

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Spamming works for min wage I guess

Trump fulfilled all his promises to Israel.

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same user. it will be 1 year of neetdom next week, actually.

im starting to fomo and applying for jobs though. idk how long this bear market is going to last and i have $0 and bags of trash altcoins

business admin with concentration in finance