Tfw parents kicked me out

>tfw parents kicked me out
>tfw homeless
what do? other than kms

Attached: just.jpg (601x601, 106K)

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K ur parents first then kys?

you could begin by not continuing to post on Jow Forums

crawl back to your parents and your ID tells you the rest

Why not? It's keeping me sane.
I cant otherwise I would.

may i suggest you find a different hobby

Commit a crime and get a comfy government issued apartment

Based and checkpilled

>tfw just got hired

do you have any money?

Go stay at a friend's house. Look for a job. If you have no friends then sneak into a building somewhere.

Why they kicked you out?

Can you fight?

Like what?
Easier said than done in real life
Because I'm 22 and they said I'm too old to live at home

Shit I am 35 and my mom still pays for everything, comfy house with high speed internet where I play rocket league all day, I haven't taken a shower in 4 days and my mom keeps bringing me tendies.

Your parents are cruel op

How murican of them
Get a job mang

You should thank them

how do people get homeless? just go rent a room lmao

buy a van nigger

Why do americans hate their kids? I'm 29 and still living at home.

They have shit parents that don't wanna support their sons.
My mom understands that the money I have in bit coin will moon one day and make us rich as Fuck, I explain the math to her and she even fork the 5k I have invested, mom is waiting to collect retirement when it hits 20k again, shits going to be cash.

Can't wait till she get back from work, I am getting hungry she's even bringing dinner from work

pretty depressing to be honest

imagine not being able to tell your parents fuck you forever when you make it

It’s a fucking troll you brainlet. Kys

I'm not trolling at all

Military or long haul otr trucker

I wasn’t referring to you as the troll now was I? Kys too. Golden bullrun can’t start until all you brainlets are outta here

I'm 23 and I pay the rent-jew like a good slave for a tiny apartment when i could move in with my parents for a larger space for a lower rent. But holy fuck living on my own and being finacially independent is amazing and I wouldnt go back to that shit hole if you payed me. I love my parents but I absolutely hate living with those people.

> cutting familial ties so you can freely engage in degeneracy
This is why you’ll never make it, goy

>thinking that not living in mommies basement means cutting familial ties
Good christian future housewives are only interested in financially independent men user.


> good christian housewives are materialistic
Someone never read the bible...

Enjoy sacrificing half of your income for a quick dopamine rush as you get intoxicated every night, fucktard.

Attached: apu butterfly.jpg (867x685, 96K)

Decades of jewish propaganda. I’m not even hating anymore. This has to be part of God’s plan.

Isnt it past your bedtime? Your mom has work in the morning and you know she'll be mad if youre on the internet all night again.

Not everyone has a shitty familly life user. I get along very well with my folks, we both save money on taxes by staying together and we have our personal lives with clear boundaries. I don't understand how people can't live with their famillies until they get married.

Attached: classy comfy.jpg (250x250, 6K)

> homeless
Why aren’t millennials buying houses?

Who said materialistic? You're not very literate are you? If you can't support a family then you don't deserve to have one.

check'd and kek'd

install gentoo

Not OP but I am homeless. How the fuck do I get money

> Mfw when I'm 29 yr old with NEET dad who is pissed I am moving out and crying to me that he will not be able to afford his house
I will not be my father.