Upcoming chainlink partnership

some fin is making a redesign of the chainlink website. and it looks like they added logos of two companies who weren't in the old design. one of those is Webmoney. and this is their daily transaction volume

Attached: chainlink_form_4x.png (1600x1200, 267K)

Attached: Schermafbeelding 2019-03-07 om 10.57.12.png (1482x526, 115K)

and this is the other one qiwi

Attached: Schermafbeelding 2019-03-07 om 11.08.30.png (1668x888, 491K)

so it maybe won't take long untill we reach 1million request/ week once mainnet goes live

link is meme bro don't tell me you bought in?

i'm 100k deep.

Geef mij eens wat Link jij rijke stinker jij.

ben maar student, dus je krijgt niks

>40k dollar in een riskante investering
jaaaaaaaaaa ja ja ja ja ja

I don't believe anyone on this board actually owns link. Bunch of trolls circle jerking and trying to shift focus away from projects that actually are worth something

rijk studentje dan blijkbaar!

50k linkerstinker hier van 29 jaar en dit was al m'n spaargeld

>50k linkerstinker

based north niggers

Oraclize partnership confirmed

Attached: IMG_20190307_123634-01.jpg (1679x847, 186K)

that's dutch user

this is hilarious

what did he mean by this?

Just imagine being the CEO of oraclize

You lie in bed every night for a month, shaking, sweating, realizing that if you don't partner-up with Chainlink, your company and dreams are guaranteed to evaporate

One morning, after 40 cups of coffee and a pack of cigarettes, you call up Adelyn Zhou and say "yeah I...need to get in touch with Sergey Nazarov"

ben echt een super autist dus ga nooit uit enzo. en werk al sinds me 15e (nu 23). me tweeling broer verdient echter evenveel maar staat 10k in de min op ze stufi. rijk zijn heeft meer te maken met je uitgaven goed managen dan veel verdienen.

Wasn't he fudding Chainlink earlier? Good stuff. Welcome to the marines

It makes sense for them on every level to provide their services on the Chainlink network.

This is what Chainlink will be, a network of data providers cooperating for decentralization

Ik werk elke vakantie, en verdien zo ongeveer 4-5.000 per jaar.
Daar moet ik dan mijn eten enz. mee betalen het hele jaar door, dus is het absoluut uitgesloten dat ik als student ooit 40k zou kunnen bijeensparen. Zelfs als ik al dat vakantiewerkgeld 100% zou mogen oppotten.
Geen jaloezie hoor, gewoon even alle eendjes op een rij zetten.

Yeah, I remember him talking about why oraclize's "approach is superior" to chainlink's or some bullshit, long time ago

Oraclize box running chainlink under the hood

Attached: Hw.jpg (1080x534, 108K)

Everybody will end up bending the knee

I'm going to enjoy all the knee-bending more than getting rich, honestly

Ik verdien 8k met me weekend baan per jaar en doe ook elke zomer een medicijn onderzoek waar ik rond de 3k voor 2 weken krijg


including that witnet fag

Attached: 1553859285994.gif (1478x870, 967K)

Je bent nederlander

Chainlink bent lekker


Source on this?


Attached: oie_KpBtoVJF18h3.png (1080x1081, 234K)

This is what I want to see most

chainlink has had countless partnerships. none of them have pumped the price, got them user adoption, or helped them release mainnet.

>chainlink has had countless partnerships
fud cope

It’s on the oraclizeit twitter

if you were here in October you'd know that edging is a cornerstone of the SmartContract.com company. There is no hype, only energy spent towards working on the product. In fact edging was what Sergey focused on for his Philosophy degree. This explains why partnerships are being kept secret and the suddenness of the inevitable singularity. When the singularity happens, be sure to open the Citizen app if you live in the SF bay area and look for an incident titled "office building flooded with semen" as Sergey et al will no longer be able to contain themselves. Sergey will blow the biggest load though as he's expressed a greater propensity of a hard on for decentralization. In fact in his interviews the first word Sergey says to candidates is "decentralization." No sentences or words around it. He looks intensely at their crotch, and if the candidate doesn't get wet or hard in 30 seconds the candidate is rejected.
With this information the reasoning is clear: a significant partnership has been secured, and the smartcontract team has been vigorously doing laundry or buying new underwear. This isn't sustainable however because the massive volume of pre cum will ruin the dry cleaning machines. It's only a matter of time until the laundromats find out whats going on. Hence it is a race against ejaculation, and a rigorous mental battle to keep their enthusiasm in check.

Attached: 1551633869783.jpg (1080x1331, 216K)

>building flooded with semen

have an upvote friend, hearty keks


Holy fucking shit


I love how months, maybe more than a year ago, some user was like oh yeah, other oracle services like oraclize will just provide oracles on chainlink

And here we are lol

These are both me, don't know why the fuck switching off and then back onto lte (my work WiFi is apparently banned from Jow Forums) gave me a different id

Wow, they both show up with (you), so that's weird.

Attached: Screenshot_20190307-085737.png (1080x2160, 258K)

because different IP

because cookies

learn 2 computers fren

Attached: A3138F9F-52F4-489C-B403-CD1F1FA90803.jpg (620x349, 56K)


Attached: giphy.gif (500x287, 597K)

Lol fuck this is embarrassing I build web apps at a fang company

Control yourself.



its confirmed fake retards

Hahahahahahahahahaha bro! Yeah! Cool memeing! XD

>One morning, after 40 cups of coffee
good thing that's only $40 since Link is tied to a cost of a cheap cup of coffee

Vrijblijvend wat over te maken als je rijk bent.
Ik zal er niet geraken met mijn stack...
350 Link - Poorfag reporting in

18 decimals will allow them to effectively split the token to keep the price in the single-digit dollar range through the development of the pan-galactic economy, but when we start jumping to other galaxies we'll need to address the bottleneck

imagine being this delusional
you will all mass suicide soon thank god

t. has never been to a coffeehouse

Attached: 1550352830054.png (549x577, 492K)

Chainlink is the only solution

It's literally just some graphic designer who likes Chainlink making examples for his portfolio.

Whoever started shilling Chainlink on Jow Forums is a genius because Chainlink is literally a shit project.

Whoever you are, you have my utmost respect.

What's a fin? also i'm gonna go all in with my £1.5k is that good enough?

This desu

how is this still under a dollar?


gerapporteerd voor bedelen

Why even bother with Discord when you're sharing the same shitting street?