I fucking told you 3 months ago

This "shitcoin" has gone up 45% since last 7 days.
> katallassos.com/#papers

Attached: EV8PZ5bx_400x400.jpg (400x400, 8K)

Stupid drug addict booted.
Hashrate growing hourly
Bullish news, research and partnerships every few days.
They were exclusive host on a blockchain conference.

Hold at least a small bag of New Internet Money for suicide insurance.

how much to make it?

How do I profit from this?

Rvn at 135%

Good shit, I own a few mills of this SEXagon

Perfect time to sell RVN until it corrects.
At least a mil.

shitcoin alert

Holy shit what's up with that spike up in hashrate? that's a moon mission in the making if I've ever seen one.


A project with actual goals and actual means of accomplishing them. Nimiq.com for those now in the know.

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what a useless shitcone, the team is cucked af

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Got any reasoning behind that opinion? I'd love to hear it.


Using Chainlink

Anyone else feeling sleepy?. Night anons.

Shit coins using ChainLink are mooning
Meanwhile link itself is not moving

sleep well user. a shame there was nothing of importance here. I get sick of these larpers.

>Altseason for the past 2 months
>Still bagholding LINK

Get with the times gramps. LINK only performs during bear markets.
You literally had 10 months to buy this cone sub 20 sats

> "Sophie Radermacher has a BA in Journalism and Visual Media from Griffith College Dublin and an MPhil in International Peace Studies from Trinity College Dublin. She also studied at the UCLA Anderson School of Management Centre for MEMES."

nuff said i guess. please tell me what's impressive about the team. i can't find anything desu

....care to talk about Nimiq?

absolute pajeet tier honestly. "mining in your browser" kek, third worlders loved the concept and shilled it on /biz a couple months ago but it never really took off. i would be ashamed if my only partnerships were chainlink and nimic (besides polkadot)

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>tfw stopped mining after the retarded druggie got booted thinking the shitcoin would nuke itself after that
>missed months of ez gpu gains
>right when i get bullish about nim again some fag makes a video about it and network goes up to 3gh/s
At least i never sold

how much did you gain from maining kek

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42k nimlet