Uni Thread

Is pic related any good? Calling all canadafags

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if you wanna get poontang ya. if youre a thot and you wanna get dicked down, ya. i went to guelph myself, was a good time.

Sounds like a place for me

Londoner here. Ivey business school is good. Mostly pajeets, but still good


you will be just as socially retarded in uni as before, an even more isolated as you will have no one around but drunken normies

if you have no luck with women outside of uni you will have no luck with uni girls, stop falling for hollywood memes. Work on your looks and charisma and attract good, decent women. Uni girls are degenerates.

classes are a joke mix between sjw shit and just getting a piece of paper. If you actually wish to learn something read a book or use the internet. You don't need some fat, balding, leftist boomer to stamp your paper to say that your smart

the debt from uni and the opportunity cost of the time and energy spent there will never be recuperated in higher earnings later on. Like most graduates you will be unemployed or working in some coffee shop

you will be stressed out with pointless red tape stresses and brain washed with leftist propaganda. you will want to punch everyone on the campus in the face.

Carleton here. Honestly with co op it’s so easy to graduate without debt. Feelsgoodman.

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>classes are a joke mix between sjw shit and just getting a piece of paper. If you actually wish to learn something read a book or use the internet. You don't need some fat, balding, leftist boomer to stamp your paper to say that your smart

t. Econ student. Most people with any common sense know more about economics before they start there degree than after they finish it


uottawa xd, chainlink gon carry me to the moon. ta life is much easier though im going to miss it


i hope your in LINK, J

no. if you're not a brainlet go to uWaterloo for CS or SE. if you're a bit of a brainlet go to UofT or UBC. if you legitimately can't get into any of these, even with hard work, just give up now, never going to make it.

cornell, ready to fail my prelim tonight

Bullshit, it will to most people.

Is it a fact that University educated people earn much more than people with no education.

uWaterloo will definitely make you even more of a sad autistic incel, but at least classes are brutal and educational, very little SJW stuff and a mostly right-wing student population, and if you're not shit you graduate with a lot of experience thanks to co-op and make 200k+ in San Francisco right after you graduate (with no debt)

>thinks where he goes to uni matters at all

Yes ofcourse.
Over 200k

good luck out earning that non-defaultable compounding interest

everyone i know has such huge quantities of link. having only 50k really makes me feel like a linklet even with the disposable income of only being in uni

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it does though.. if you go to a shitty uni you're spending a lot of money and time learning nothing of worth. you're more likely to graduate with debt and a poor chance of getting a good job. obviously there are exceptions, and the top students at any university are probably not going to have any issues, but the quality of the average student varies greatly from one school to another

Unironically these two.

If you're just graduating high school and want the best uni experience in Canada:
1. Western
2. Uvic/McGill

If you're 25 and in some nigger job wanting to pivot to a different career, go to a real school like UofT or UBC

it is known to be the party school of Canada, be home to one of David Letterman's top ten places to get knocked up, saugeen- maitland hall residence

I live beside UVic. What makes it so good?

UofT will eat your soul

Because of all the brown people?

>He fell for the college meme

10 or more years ago yeah that was true and that's the group the statistics largely draw from. I'm working as an engineer for the past two years now and I make less than a welder does because the job market is shit.
You also have to consider causation vs. correlation. Smarter people are more predisposed to going to university. It's not the university that made them smart.

It will benefit you intelllectually if you hang aorund the right people
And it will make you more happy than wagecucking for sure
Agree with the rest tho

thats where i went to school and its an amazinh school and user i am jelous of you
aughhhhh London is a beautiful city for a college student, not much after that so dont fall in love with the city, just love your college experience
hot chix, amazing parties and an amazing school overall
i currently live in the US, i applied everywhere once i graduated and received multiple offers in Canada and the US, so i decided to move to the US
good luck user, and ask me any questions ill try to answer
i know London very well, but havent bee there in a few years and heard it expanded alot lately

Note the grammar.

i am typing quick on my phone you fuckin faggot

I doubt your own president can count from 1-20 on his own you fuckin faggot and you're upset about the grammar

Don't go to a party school, OP. You'll end up like this guy.

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yes a six figure job in the US after 7 years experience
has 45 Bitcoins and enough ETH to buy this faggot, his mother, sister and GF and have his father watch and film as i bang all of them at the same
cope faggot

The rabbits and the rain

Sounds like you got an education in degeneracy.

Well it is Canada eh?

I got lucky working an internship and had too much free time and randomly found biz early. I just keep it to myself, graduating without debt is a great feeling.

I took classes at a a bunch of ontario schools.
College is for retards, it's basically high school but if you just want a job quick do that.
My main was Trent U, massive sjw hive BUT has great facilities and a retarded unmotivated student population, so you can get offered the best of everything just by showing a tiny bit of effort and potential.
Guelph is my favorite, beautiful BEAUTIFUL campus, amazing demographics, great gym.
UWaterloo is what everyone says it is, sterile, depressing, full of loud smelly foreigners with poor english (ruins the library) and very serious).
Laurier is nice, not too extreme of anything. Not a major party school like western but not a complete autist school like Waterloo either, less crazy sjw shit but it's still a university in Ontario so there is some, all in all seems like a well-balanced school, excellent library.
Athabasca university is a great easy way to get eeeeeasy transfer credits through online classes, beware though, having no deadlines is a double edged sword and if you lack discipline you will be fucked.

Western is a degenerate shithole run by thots.

t. londoner who didn't go to college/uni and made it with crypto

Is there anything cool to experience in London outside the campuses?


is UBC a meme school? It seems like the only thing worth majoring is CS and CS is boring as fuck.Are their graduate programs any good and what about their med school?

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its a college town atmosphere
besides pubs/clubs there isnt much to do
but the college town feel is amazing
also UWO probably have the hottest chicks in Canada

This school has the hottest thots.

Come to uottawa brah

Go to the school where you will graduate in the top 1% of your class.

Watch this Malcom Gladwell talk and you will be redpilled.


It really depends on what you want to study. Richard Ivey (the business school) is apparently pretty good for trying to get into finance. It also has a good nursing school. Not sure what else it's good for though.


I go there, its alright.

Uwaterloo is for autists. Thats the school vitalik went before he dropped out to work on ethereum full time.

you've obviously never been to Montreal...

unironically can confirm with the quality of their recruiters. still doe im a french immersion faggot so my degree is bilingual

The hottest girl I know in high school went to UWO.

Big tits and blonde. Reputation of being a slut.

I still jerk off to her every now and then.

i lived in Montreal for six months
while girls there are beautiful, they'e not as hot as UWO
remember Montreal only attracts french speaking students, UWO has a bigger slice and the majority of its students are students coming from all over Canada as well as foreigners

worked here but i quit because it was way too sjw. mentioning j peterson made my boss lose his shit. the city is decent, comfy cost of living. i'm basically married so can't comment on the dating scene

dude weed

Ok but where do the asians go?

Is USC the best school?
kys poorfags

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th-thanks for the advice Jow Forums

Isn't that in the hood?

Finishing up teacher college at Western University (not University of Western Ontario anymore). I only went for 2 years and it was exactly what I expected. Hotties, decent party scene although I'm getting a bit too old for that. What hasn't been mentioned is that London is known as 'forest city' cause there are some decent parks and walking trails, so if you are naturey at all this is a plus. Winter is shit desu. Decent bus system. I volunteered at the radio station on campus and that was fun. I chose Western because it was one of the only schools for teacher college on my radar that registered on the top university list worldwide, for whatever that's worth.

Why would you subject yourself to the post secondary jew?

Looks like this girl goes to Western. I'm American but I reckon it'd be a pretty good school to go to

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