You MUST post ITT if you're waging right now


Attached: GWqlabsDuck.png (112x112, 18K)

> I make 2.07$ an hour

Attached: 8788324.png (645x1260, 440K)

What country?

Argentina, my monthly salary is 500$ aprox working 8 hours a day

Attached: 8959345934.jpg (194x259, 5K)

Is that a livable wage there?



Attached: 1544381848354.jpg (1085x775, 510K)

me on the far right

Tfw writing pen and paper game about an office building being combined with hell while waging in my cubicle

Attached: 1551587188240.jpg (618x741, 75K)

despite all my rage, I wage in a cage



>make $500 a week sitting around on my phone

feels okay man

no, you can buy food... and thats it


@Gucci wage

Me too fren, gonna miss it when I get a degree and real job.



Attached: 1551873669195.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

Why not get an online job? I'll bet there are a bunch of anons who will gladly pay you triple what you earn for help with super easy shit. You English seems pretty good. You could write articles for sites from the comfort of your home and make $1200/month working the same hours



hi user, do you have any IT skills? I might be able to get you something. how old are you btw?

What is this?

Attached: 1549230009541.png (642x767, 1012K)

good for wojak


no more wage for today see u guys tomorrow

>tfw wagie
>tfw been promoted twice in the past 2 years
>first check in new job
>paying more in taxes now than I made after taxes 2 years ago
Holy fuck, leftism is cancer.

sounds interesting..

Be me. Become a 3D Artist, sell stuff on unity and unreal asset store. Make 2K each month only there. Realize there are ton of other stores that will also sell your shit. I make roughly 3-4K each month only on selling 3D stuff. The only catch is, you have to become good with 3D first.

How can I get one of these jobs?

What do you think of my offer?
Should I wagecuck?

Attached: Screenshot_20190307-195455_Drive.jpg (1080x2220, 1.72M)

its mostly furry commissions for second life right