Let's see it. What antidepressants are you faggots on?

Let's see it. What antidepressants are you faggots on?

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hopefully you are a linky and this accelerates kys

used to be on that, it made me fat. Took over a year to lose the weight.

known your sergey

duloxetine, lamotrigine

Wellbutrin XL. Love it.

I take 2.5mg of that shit OP. Works pretty well to get rid of anxiety (health anxiety mostly, would think I’m having a stroke or heart attack at all hours of the day. Fucking exhausting, thank god for these meds)

Protip: If youre still depressed even a little ask your doc to bump you up to 20

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Weak brained faggots need happy pills to function. I put sluts into depression after fucking them with my massive hog. I ruin men for them and make them suicidal when I leave em

Antidepressants are beta as fuck

Handle your emotions faggots

Adderall and xanax

Sounds like you might need some pills user

Look at these totally normal well adjusted people. They don’t need meds, clearly

Please tell me how you got on that combination, and how much do you get of each a month.

I have trouble focusing at work so I've tried to get Adderall or Vyvanse but they don't want to do it. But they'll prescribe every anti depressant under the sun. I got them to give me xanax begrudgingly but I'm being rationed at 5mg a month for "as need basis"

I need zinc pills because the scores of whores are sucking me dry constantly


Adderall is great if you want to destroy your health and your life

Does my Dab pen count

I had an extra box sitting around and thought I'd snap a photo. Hopefully this box says something interesting about me by adding to my culture fit.

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Do you have experience with this. Care to elaborate.

See? It says take it by mouth faggot

>all these weak women
maybe 1 out of 500 people should actually be on these pills, and hint: it ain't you.
imagine taking a damaging and addicting pharmaceutical jew instead of just living a natural lifestyle

Dried tobacco leaves soothe my inner demons

Wellbutrin is the best I ever tried. What dose?

start with cleaning your room and your thumbnails
and only after you complete your first grown up talk we can talk about antidepressants

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I've tried wellbutrin. Didn't feel anything and on higher doses it gave me chest issues. What do you feel?

got them prescribed to me but too scared to take them. what do?

Citalopram 40mg

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150 twice a day

Snag a bag of wild blueberries

if you think you need them take them. if they dont work stop taking them.

>taking the pharma jew
lmao you guys are fucked, just drink coffee and smoke weed if you have to.

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Fruits for breakfast.
stopped tobacco and reduced alcohol this year.
I'm thinking of jogging / doing a sport again to cure anxiety.

Just popped one

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Me too. I like it, but I think Wellbutrin is what caused me to start banging hookers. Sent my libido through the roof.

Weed & beer/whiskey/wodka

I felt like the best guy to walk the planet

How much do you pay for your whores and how often do you go