Hear that, mapleniggers? The Man is coming for his cut, you better have filed every single trade.



Day of the rake is here.

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Post some of the questions you lazy zipperhead. All the content is supposed to be posted here. I'm not clicking links.


Lazy mutt. The questions are insane though look at this shit. they know about shapeshift and changelly too FUCK

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Canada is the worst shithole in the world at this point. An area which seemed like a good place to be a white refugee if a nuclear war broke out has been reduced to socialist 1984 nightmare.

given how worthless btc was years ago, there's no way anybody that didn't get in late has a record of every trade, especially btc to shitcoin.

these governments will have to accept payment on withdrawal if they ever expect to get any tax from crypto at all.


I'm thinking this is just a scare tactic to scare off would-be investors. CRA and IRS both said they have futher determinations to make re: taxing crypto

It WILL be changed to a lump sum tax upon selling crypto to fiat, and regular sales tax when using it as currency. I don't see what other options they have.


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small time crypto investor here. i lost ~250$ cad worth of crypto due to the justing in 2018 and made no other transactions beyond that i just hold. i fear the cra is going to give me a tax bill however i have binance

jesus christ why on earth would you be worried about 250 dollars? fucking CAD at that.

There's anons on here with 100k+ that should worry. Audits cost money and their winnings need to be juicy. glowniggers certainly don't want your 250.

Wow the Leafs are finally getting some Mutt freedom, sucks to be them

i just dont want any trouble because i dont have a paper trail. i bought cindicator, sold it all for ~350$ loss. I swung trade link lost ~100$ but then made it back by 150$. idk

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My daughter has more money in her piggy bank the fuck out of here

Post pics of her piggy bank. For research.

kek they dont even have taxation of offshore stuff. nothing will ever compare to being a US citizen in terms of the cucking you get by taxes. If you're a canadian bitcoin whale you can literally just set up an offshore structure and tell them to go fuck themselves

is this true? I thought you had to file for a foreign investors thing like in the US. If true I'm hiding out in the Cayman's when btc takes over, fuck this leaf hell.

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I dont know about building 2 walls. Democrats are gonna sperg out worse than usual

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Post pics of your daughter holding piggy bank. For research.

you might have to live out of the country for 6 months too, I forget, but that seems like a small price to pay. I would have 100% done it if it were possible as an american

What crypto? I lost the keys to all of it in a boating accident.

That’s just creepy user.

i paid my crypto taxes like a good goy because I figured this would happen

What is this crypto? Nice tactic to scare retards like....
Sadly...i have lost all my cryptos...sucks...

If you used any western exchange they will get your info user. I used coinsquare so was stuck

Only if you cash out through them. If you just buy from them and sell otc how can they prove you had a capital gain?

if crypto to crypto is taxable. I traded on coinsquare. Suppose you could say you moved it all to bitmex or some chink exchange and lost it all on leverage

Pro tip: they can't
But they can scare people and then a good portion will pay voluntarily

yeah but if you say you lost it all then you can't buy shit if you actually make it.

our only real option is to wait it out and hope IRS/CRA change their positions toward crypto, which i think will happen. They have to tax it as currency not as property as they currently do.

Sorry cra I lost it all on bitconnect in 2018