Realistically how long have we got to accumulate ?

Realistically how long have we got to accumulate ?

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3 or 4 days

until September

Less than 3 months.

will 10k make it?


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You are a MANIAC

Mainnet is late spring/early summer
You have 3 months

1 hour

t. whale

2 months

This. Literally no rush.

Depends on the price you want to pay

Why though?

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I can afford 5k LINK with my current fiat stack, should I go all in? convince me

You haven't been paying enough attention to the details. More public exposure is coming very soon.

DYOR faggot, not our job to convince you

why wouldn't you go all in?
at this point its confirmed its the next big thing that will explode like eth or btc did.

Care to say what I missed? Thanks

At least half a year is left...they said mainnet out first half of the year if theres no delays...even sergey said the are not in a hurry to get it out. mainnet doesnt mean shit to me unless they announce a huge partner which they prob wont knowing chainlink

This plus it's the initial version of mainnet, so it would most likely have low volume (due to testing, not FUD like no users).


All your pathetic life

You're missing Starbucks/Bakkt. Crypto is about to start getting a lot of attention again. What's the next big shift in crypto? What area of crypto might a major media outlet want to cover as the next big thing? Another Bitcoin story? I can't say anything else.

This probably.