What are your thoughts on the Yang Gang?
What are your thoughts on the Yang Gang?
chinese insectoid
Got on board last nigh. Absolutely fucking based gook.
It's proto communism. Where is the money coming from?
You're taxing rich people and "redistributing the wealth".
Fuck commies
Stay mad leftypol. enjoy losing again
you're only taxing those that benefit from automating away jobs. it's also an incentive for companies to keep hiring people over bots
We're already doing that but giving all the money to the bankers.
It's not taxing rich people, VAT taxes consumers you dumb dumb.
Recently in the uk the local shops responded to a 2.5% VAT increase with price increases of 5 to 8%. This plan will absolutely rat fuck the entire economy, ruining millions of lives and destroying the value of countless savings accounts in the process.
>lets delay progress and efficiency/speed so LaShonda can stay working and delaying your services because her nails were too long to deal with your application.
Get fucked retard.
>"redistributing the wealth"
This term applies to every single economic policy that has ever been thought up.
I think UBI is inevitable, but unlike most commies I think it's going to lead to a world in which anyone that isn't the top 0.01% is treated like human cattle to be fed, placated, and ultimately culled or slaughtered for their amusement. It will usher in a desolate hellscape of human misery the likes of which the human race hasn't seen since the black plague.
Then again there's an argument to be made that we're already there, so bring it on.
UBI is not commie stupid fuck
Ubi is our only shot at a closed border. We have to take it.
How much should farmers be taxed?
We automated the jobs so it went from 67% of the population being farmers, to 2%. They've automated 65% of the jobs. Current US budget is 3.8 trillion. Yang suggests expanding it by another 3 trillion.
Should farmers pay 65% of 6.8 trillion?
Do you think they will pay a 400% tax rate on their income?
Exactly. Growth is deflationary so the bankers are printing the money to get that growth plus debase it by 2% a year. Don't be a banker shill and put that money in your pocket instead.
The 2007-2008 bailout was bullshit.
That doesn't mean instituting protocommunism is a good idea.
If you are 10,000$ in debt in your credit card because you spent it all on payday loans, it doesn't make giving away 100,00$ to people make sense.
I don't think you know what communism is kek. Transfer payments =/= communism.
Is that how Yang suggested paying for it?
From what I read he was suggesting using a tax code similar to the one we have already
Please, you already mindfucked/pol/, don't spam your retarded shit here
My thoughts are I want to know how much he pays your FUCKING CUNTS to spam this shit all over and can I get a YANG GANG spamming job too
Ps sage
Seizing wealth from the rich and redistributing it to the masses is protocommunist behaviour.
are farmers the ones he is going to tax? i thought he was going after companies like google and companies that use self driving trucks
VAT plus ending welfare plus growth from the redistribution
Farmers can still afford to lobby for more Central American migrants, so clearly they aren't being taxed enough.
that's socialism, we have words for that use them correcly.
10% VAT only saves 25% of the cost of the "reduced" amount left over from consolidating other public assistance programs.
The farmers automated jobs away. Look at the chart. It went from as high as 76% of the population being farmers down to 1 or 2%
If he wants to talk about people who benefited from job automation, farmers are the biggest category.
>1 post by this id
Stop taking the bait
The output of America’s farms contributed $136.7 billion
If they're automating 74% of the jobs they should pay 74% of the GDP. Or 5.032 trillion. That would be a 3681% on all gross revenue. For every dollar you earn selling corn, you have to pay 36.81 in taxes.
Where's the flaw in my logic?
He won't even make it that far. He's too lvl headed, so the DNC will fuck him over. Dems want a strong woman, not another man. Republicans will hate him because they will say he's a Chinese spy.
He's literally paying $1000 a month, get on board.
Fucking based video. Let's get that money, boys
DNC won't let him win and he's got no other established policies I agree with. Cucks just like it for "muh $1,000"
Idk guys the 12k could really help offset my losses from trading options on robinhood.
voting Yang is the most capitalist thing to do. It's the most mney for me, right?
Why would there be growth from the redistribution?
Historically there's negative growth from redistributionist policies.
If you compare groups who received welfare, and those who didn't, the people on welfare didn't spend that time developing their human capital. They spent that money on consumption and their skillsets declined.
This is the same garbage they taught in polisci, talking about Keynesian multipliers.
Socialism is protocommunism. At least according to Marx. And I think he knows a bit about communism
>Taking from the producers and giving to the consumers.
Right, no, this is clearly much different.
He's Jow Forums's president incarnation.
This is Jow Forums's guy.
I honestly think we should stop considering economists from so far in the past that they couldn't predict how the modern world works. Adam Smith was a smart dude but he was born in 1723 and didn't even consider that we might outsource call center jobs to India, he had ideas that were great at the time but haven't been applicable for a long time.
Imagine how much happier you will be working at McDonalds with an extra monthly 1k
Discord shills at it again.
he said it again
Imagine copy pasting memes and putting yang on it. Intelligence agencies will never be able to meme naturally like Jow Forums. Kys
Imagine thinking that you have a sense of ownership to memes.
A fraction of just started shilling hard for Yang, for Dem 2020.
What do you think of the outline on their website, pic related?
I think it's a win win for free tendies.
Wow, a bunch of flowery, unsubstantial rhetoric. Typical commie bullshit.
#MIGA, am I right? build the wall-fence!
It's MOGA, like Mogadishu: what the US will look like under little wang Yang's nonexistent presidency. Fuck up cuckpol retard
Fuck yang he will outlaw crypto like China.
>$1k a month will turn the US into Mogadishu
Right on.
ubi and crypto go hand-in-hand