Yugi's REFR edition

Yugi's REFR edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

last thread

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Rule of 72 folks, think long term.


picking some up today as ever day

I'm ruined. I'll never retire.

ALT about to halt come power hour

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Golden bull returns to sodomize bear bum tomorrow.

This retarded customary pullback will be history.

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>posted by a 22 year old male with a degree


26 and I was planning to retire at 35 after today it looks like 40+.

How much have you lost and with what?

Oh, you poor thing.

>no thread title
>thread shilling specific stock

two penalties flags thrown!

remade thread !!


Split threads, these always go so well....

Join the right team, its only just starting

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I'll stay here

>he doesn't ctrl + F 'stock' as soon as opening the catalog


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Today I'm down like 6000. My portfolio is 5 accounts. Total 600,000 in itot, iemg, iefa split according to MSCI ACWI and small number of bonds.

Oh gee look at the clock
time to invade poland again

your lying, theres no way yoru stuipd enough to think you need ANOTHER full decade with near full retirement already being held, if you find a way to fuck up and work for another 15 years after being gifted $600k then you deserve to fail

Tell me more about CVS. I just looked at their stock and it's in the fucking toilet. I know they are some kind of drug store, is this prime time for almost 4% dividend cheapies?

Main thing is I have a high salary as developer and work remotely in low cost of living area. I don't spend money. Have no car, rent apartment, never go to restaurant, no gf, no friends. Spend weekends on internet which is free. I save over 80% of my salary. Haven't retired because I dunno what I would do and programming is fun. Been doing it since teenager.

stay away. they did the 3rd largest bond sale of all time to finance aetna and make their balnce sheet look better than it is. Dividend cut is almost guaranteed

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Cash out and short eveything. Close shorts 2022 and invest again.

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Write a program that can tell us when LCI will hit midteens

I dunno what I would even do with the money. I don't travel and don't like buying things. Probably just going to use it in case I want to take break from work and donate majority of it to charity when I die.

Also I dont time the market. I have actually never sold anything yet. Just keep buying more itot, iefa, and iemg in proper split.

I had the same problem as a younger man. You just have to trust your older self to come up with use for money.

Everybody should try to time major recessions, you dont want to see that 600k to be 300k

Alright, your smug cartoon avatar makes you credible.

BPTH is headed to $1,000

Attached: bpth.png (716x426, 22K)

or just type Jow Forums.org/biz/smg to use the catalog search to pull up any active threads

>visiting the degenerate den known as Jow Forums.org
No thank you!

I'm a 4channel man.

ALT is pump and dump. Yet look at the technical analysis on it. Aroon green just crossed red, MACD just crossed signal, A/D seems to match price action.

How come?