For example, how would 1000 dollars a month help you financially and do you need it?





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sage :)

Fuck your guns. I want to be paid.


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Serious question how much do you get paid to spam

Hopefully 1k/monthly after 2020

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So you do it for free, like a jannie?


UBI is essential in the future. Deal with it cucklet.

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Is Yang the man to demonstrate the true power of the Asian brain to the United States? Will all our politicians be Asian after this pivotal moment?

They do have a higher IQ, it's only a matter of time before they take over the world.

I'm cool with a future dystopian cyberpunk world.

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Do I still get the 1k if I also have a job?

UBI can't happen with the shitskin problem still unsolved.


>Yang solves the wageslave problem.

Saviour of America!

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UBI can't happen with the gamer-NEET problem still unsolved.

There will always be a neet problem user.

Welcome to Jow Forums newfren

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Of course. That's why it's "basic" income. Instead of the default income being $0 a year, we're just raising the floor to $12k.


k but wouldn't that just result in inflation such that the UBI pay out is meaningless?

Good job Leftypol, youve successfully spammed all of Jow Forums, video games, and anime forums. Now everyone hates you even more. Congrats morons, lose again 2020

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This is what will happen if Yang becomes president:

>1. Yang puts UBI in place and places huge taxes on the rich. The lower and middle classes also stop being taxed.
>2. The rich leave the country due to these huge taxes, and with them, their businesses.
>3. This creates a job deficit, which combined with the blow to the need for a successful career, collapses the economy.
>4. Our beloved president, Yang, promises to lead us out of this pit of despair. He then blames it on illegal immigrants, and then orders the FBI and CIA to focus all of their energy on stopping them.
>5. In only a few weeks, a terrorist attack occurs due to the FBI and CIA being preoccupied with Yang’s orders. He then goes to war with whatever country is responsible for the attack.
>6. Yang suggests to repeal the 22nd amendment, which is the one limiting a president to two terms. He says this is necessary due to being in the middle of a war, and you wouldn’t want to switch leadership in a situation like that.
>7. Congress agrees to repeal the 22nd amendment, Yang is now leader for as long as he remains popular. Which he will, as everybody is dependent on him, in both taxation and income.
>8. America has its new dictator, along with a war to fight, which only hurts the economy more.

Whenever you bring up this argument to a Yang supporter, they immediately start pushing for anarchy and acting like they wanted it in the first place. They're all the same and should not be taken seriously.

It would only be inflation if they printed out more money specifically for the UBI. If they collected taxes on VAT they just use that to distribute the dividend. All it means is more hands for the money to be spent instead of it all being held on jewish overlords or sending it to israel.

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stale copy paste from Jow Forums

nice rebuttal retard, try actually attacking the argument

The VAT won't cover the 2.5 trillion additional spending required you absolute fucking retarded idiot.

cut welfare faggot

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More likely situation:
>yang becomes president
>”sorry neets, my term is only 4 years and I can’t implement UBI on such short notice. Thanks for the votes tho.”

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The governments in the US collect about $3.7 trillion in a year income and payroll taxes.

Now imagine there is a 10% VAT on all consumer goods.

Eat shit brainlet.

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Didnt Mao already introduce UBI?

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you know, I'm still waiting for that rebuttal. seems like you're having trouble coming up with one

A rebuttal for what?

Free Money?

Yeah I like money.

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Rent free

A rebuttal for this: nigger.

Stopped reading at 1.

You're a retard, read his fucking policy if you're going to start spouting falsehoods and assumptions.


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All in on Yang

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this guy gets it.

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what falsehood did I say? god you're insufferable

Probably, that may have been why his people were a bunch of illiterate peasants until the big turn around in the latter 20th century

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your argument is based on assumptions, and stating lies that weren't even on his policy.

Thats why you shouldn't copy and paste someone else's argument, brainlet. lmao

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WHAT assumptions you absolute nigger. god you're an absolute 12 year old

read your stolen argument fucking idiot. Do you know what "assumption" means. lmao reatard.

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state the assumption then. I'm saging btw because it's pretty obvious you're just trying to keep this thread alive

I'm just responding to your brainlet questions.


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you are so fucking cringeworthy, glued to this thread looking for replies to your shitty pol pasta. Suck my 6'5 neet-chad cock you faggot

same problem though. nobody is going to keep working when they're just paying for subhumans or worthless losers to stay alive. they have no business being alive in the first place, definitely not in the first world.

without changes to deportation rules, UBI is never going to get anywhere.

unironically will be voting yang, you guys would be idiots to vote for anyone else


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at the very least he is going to ADDRESS a lot of wasteful spending, hoarding and gluttony.


Because it's not sustainable.


>build the wall

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yes but he going to cut every other bloated program and all teh gov workers that go with it