I'd better see you niggers at equinox with a 10/10 gym thot trainer
Reminder: When LINK moons, there is literally no excuse for every linkie to NOT be shredded
How do I buy LINK. I don't see it my Robinhood app.
Ok user, now remember to arch your back. If you don't know how, you could come over to my place for a live demonstration :)
Log cabin maybe chopping wood.
this. you will have all the time to work out, all the money to buy tons of food to bulk properly, as well as steroids if you wish
full link stack + 150 IQ INTJ + shredded 220 lbs at 8% bodyfat is the masterrace
>not working out pre singularity to pass the time
>he thinks he will have the will to workout post singularity
Lmao. Seriously, first you gotta build the mass and then start cutting if you have enough mass. With money it's a lot easier since u'll get private trainer and good healthy food to streamline the process, but you'll still need to go to sleep at the right hours or else u'll lose ur gainz. Tbh the sleeping part is the hardest. Then the eating part and then the workout.
That physique is inefficient and the human body strives for efficiency
Also: more muscle mass = shorter life
I'm going for the efficient Vitalik physique
Some of us have jobs mate
>that micropenis
These kind of threads remind me of the Jow Forumsony threads that periodically pop up on Jow Forums (essentially the planning of establishing a colony either sea-steading or somewhere isolated e.g. Nambia).
The anons in these threads would plan and talk about how to actually make this happen, i think deep down they all knew that it would never come into fruition, it was simply a pipedream to escape modernity.
But they continuously posted these threads and they always got alot of positive replies, which lead me to believe that this was actually an unironic larp, where the participants wasn't truly aware that they where participating in a roleplay, they just enjoyed the dream and thoughts.
Likewise, Jow Forums always post threads about what they wanna do when they (me included) become millionaires, post images of attractive females, with the underlying notion that once you "make it" you can fuck em - and make it you will.
Jow Forums dreams of living the life of Dan blitzerand, cruising on a yacht or the likewise and get to plow girls like Claire. Live the carefree life, which is just around the corner..
Now we have added something else to the roleplay - you are gonna be ripped once you make it. There is something disturbingly sad about this, the undeniable fact that most posters on Jow Forums are guys in their late twenties/ early thirties, that are mediocre at best.. and they are never gonna get the life they want, you are never gonna become a millionaire, you will never be ripped and you will never bang 9/10 females without having to give up a large chunk of your monthly salary to do so.
This is forum is larp, it is not real, it is all just fantasies, a bunch of middle-aged guys playing "fantasy-football" with their unfulfilled desires and dreams.
I have a genetic problem where my body eats its own muscle much fadter than the average person. I can build muscle but when i stop it all dissppears.
Can someone explain to me what an INTJ is?
That chick is 14.
Already too old
i love fria i wish he cums inside of me
What’s your point
I'm already shredded.Still autistic socially though so no 10/10 gf in fact no gf at all.
It’s a scam
>full link stack + 150 IQ
>full link stack
>150 IQ
one of these things it not like the other
Stupid cunt!!! Learn to google brainlet.
>This is forum is larp, it is not real, it is all just fantasies, a bunch of middle-aged guys playing "fantasy-football" with their unfulfilled desires and dreams.
No fucking shit. You think we don't know that?
would this shitcoin even hold 45cents lmao
>paying money to exercise
>not having hobbies that fulfill the daily physical requirements for a healthy balance in life
your never going to make it user
so user what are those hobbies where you aren't paying any money and getting to exercise?
Jerking off niggers with my feet all day obviously
tfw 48k LINK stack and already 6'5 235 pounds shredded INTP master race
Look up Myers Briggs Personality test.