Looks are everything in business. What kind of hair should a master businessman sport?

Looks are everything in business. What kind of hair should a master businessman sport?

Attached: chad.jpg (634x784, 73K)

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Wish the guy was black instead of white




that little faggot is a millionaire


>that guy

It's a twink in a suit.

he's a model and socialite

He has fucked Emily Ratajkowki user and makes money for posting his face on Instagram. Anyone who tries to neg him on Jow Forums is just coping.


Attached: bezos.jpg (464x380, 57K)

wow i look pretty similar to that fella

says the little beta posting this shit in biz


Short sides, slightly longer top that goes up on the left and kind of slopes back down and combs back on the right.

I'm 6'4 210 so nobody really ever sees the top of my head, so I don't really ever style it. I think it works for me.

Pic is from a few days ago and for pol so pls no bully

Attached: IMG_0857.jpg (1198x900, 521K)

Your shit isn’t swooping back properly. Nice hair and stats tho, unfortunately you didn’t make it to the 6’6 master race

>unfortunately you didn’t make it to the 6’6 master race
I wouldn't want to be weirdly tall. It usually looks better after I do it, I was just sitting on Jow Forums.

Thar coupled with being somewhat fit and a somewhat rare south african accent is usually enough to get a drunk girl home

South African is the most retarded accent any white person could possibly have. It is such an ugly and weird way to speak.

I'd argue the lower class english one is worse. My parents are rhodesian so its closer to australian than anything

why you hide your chiseled jawline?

>implying i want to have any female contact

those chicks are hot
I'd fuck them both

>gayest instagram
>fucked a woman

okay lad

why the image is so hypnotic? it's the tongue right? it looks like a phallus which is a mushroom, some demiurge mushroom dopamine shit or something

You’re gay


well so are you, dopamine is in all of us

Attached: fit ideals.png (1000x1000, 1.18M)

>1. body
>2. doggos
>3. girls
no homo

added to my folder to detect and dox nazis with AI folder

based and ai-dox-pilled

serious question guys, it's about the little curve near the back of the jawline towards the masseter. One side of mine seems to have a more pronounced curve than the other side.

Is there a way to correct this? I went to an ortho today and he said he didn't know (I've also been growing out my neckbeard for a role I'm playing in a psychedelic film of some couchsurfer so it may have been too difficult for him to notice.)

Would probably need surgery to correct that since it is bone, but everyone's face is slightly asymmetrical. I highly doubt anyone would notice but you.

true, that's what he told me and I'm wondering how scary I would look if that slight difference were perfectly corrected.

then I found this which mentions an exercise that supposedly can grow bone youtube.com/watch?v=N8WSiAn4b1I

I mean...bone can regrow if put under friction right?

Kys chaim you stupid kike

Lmao its the creepy face surgery shills back again. You fuckers are the weirdest cunts on biz, and the competition is FEROCIOUS

is your right side less curved?

Cope. 6'6 is giga chad mog everyone in the room height. 6'9 and up is weirdly tall

left side I think, and I slept on my stomach heavily growing up with my face facing right side

Though different photos show the curve being on different sides?! so I'm like wtf is this just a camera illusion

there were face surgery shills? musta been korean or californian. I'm just asking cause this seems to be a decent corpse for an aesthetics thread

Attached: Blunt-Blonde-Flat-Top[1].jpg (500x500, 83K)

Maybe to basketball thots. For everyone else above 6'4 is diminishing returns.
Yes. There are facecel forums that get astroturfed by plastic surgery clinics. I guess biz is a fairly logical next stop.

That's pretty much what a """"socialite"""" is. Someone with money but no talent or skill who weaseled in to the lifestyles of rich n' famous circle and developed social media presence.