Does anyone here actually run their own business or do you all just shitpost and trade internet tokens all day?

Does anyone here actually run their own business or do you all just shitpost and trade internet tokens all day?

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I only trade coins. Tokens are worthless.

I thought number 3 had a thin moustache until I realised it was her tongue and lack of any lips.

This is a crypto shitposting board


my daughter is never joining the swim team. wtf kind of school swimsuit is that?! their pussies might as well be hanging out except the missing link there

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I think I found a good business for my wife. She is excelent at paper work and renting our 3 appartments. She is very professional about it.

So Im thinking I will be getting her clients to rent out thir appartments thru her and she takes 20% off rent.

There are some realestate renting agents here that take 8% and say "they will take care of everything", but they dont. They just find the tenant and thats it basicly. Write papers and such.

But what Im thinking for her is that she takes care of everything when problems arise. And there wont be alot of problems becuase she is excellent at picking tenants.

What do you guys think? Decent side husle for her? I will be doing all the marketing to get her started.

god damn shitskins are ugly

never let your daugheters go to swimming
they will develop broad shoulders and their shoulder to hop ratio will be all fucked up.

kek good luck finding someone to charge 20% of monthly income. I own a property management company and my single highest is at 12%, then 10%, then 8% for units that are in close proximity to my home.

that's the least of your worries if you let them go swimming alone.

No idea what you are talking about

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If tenant damages property, who goes thru the hussle of getting the money and doing the repair?

I like their waxed side cunt areas showing

More swim thots

imagine the chlorine braps

does she grow hair on her flaps yet?
will you let her get waxed or will you insist to shave her? you could teach her to shave nicely daddy-daughter bonding time

>he doesn't pay someone to run his business

has not, and will not, make it

it's water polo senpai

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Are these Ransom Everglades thots?

imagine having to let that nidhog be in the team just because of outrage culture. no matter what anyone says beauty swimming (or whatever it is called in english) gets completely wrecked by asymmetry. i of course just blindly assume that they are beauty swimmers here

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It's called property management dumb dumb

I own my own company. I am the king of the wagies. I still want to be a NEET.

It says water polo on the cup.

What’s wrong with the fifth one?

noticed afterwards, i just triggered myself so hard that i had to post my text before having a second glance at the image. that thing in there is still god damn ugly though.

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i would marry 6 right then and there fucking hot cunt

2 in that pic what ever lost blood pressure in brain

Dragged out of her own lands and put somewhere unfair to compete in. Like if you took a 5'8" dude and threw him in the Denmark dating pool.

Not true, I knew a friend on a swim team and the girls were hot. The thing you have to watch out for on allowing your daughter join a swim team is the men and women practice togeather and they end up having lots of sex.