Marijuana is great for keeping wagies complacent, but is it setting a bad precedent for economic foundations?
Marijuana is great for keeping wagies complacent, but is it setting a bad precedent for economic foundations?
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that's a pretty cool image senpai uguu desu~
Yes only low test beta fags smoke the reefer
^^this^^ uwu famsensamachan xaxaxahuehuejajaxD
I’m learning Japanese. What is a uguu?
it's a cute noise that you make when your senpai calls you kawaii
how the fuck do engineers even come up with this shit, this is magic to my brainlet mind
it's called a caisson. just make a watertight seal and pump the water out of it. I was doing shit like that when I was 11
Life is about cycles. After getting jacked at the gym, its nice to smoke weed to develop/improve the cognitive side of our lives as well as the physical.
>improve the cognitive
>smoke weed
You ever heard of Soma? I don't think it's fictional
i was pumping your moms pussy last night
what is going on there?
What happens if there is heavy rain?
>Smoking weed makes me smart
Employees are required to go down with the wage cage.
Soma = ?
They are pouring a concrete foundation for a new bridge. If it’s starts raining heavily they just keep pumping it out. If an earthquake or something hits then the wagies in the pit die.
>Being amazed by dry land below water level.
What will those engineers think of next?
meth is the working man's drug.
I work harder than you and smoke every day, faggot
go and google it you lazy fuck. its this drug used by the goyim masses in "brave new world" that keeps everyone satiated and happy.
Im fuckin stoned off a wifi og and sweettooth salad
blows my mind how much npcs love pot. It's supposed to be a gateway drug, why wouldn't you move on to bigger and better highs?
Whats happens if a stoned npc whoops your ass
of course it's "bad" for economy. yes, the wageslaves won't be operating at 100% when they're on soma. but seriously, let the wageslaves enjoy the life and work at 90% capacity.
Because the gateway drug meme was just fud so people would support keeping it banned. Most things are not actually a gateway to anything else.
They'd probably get shot or stabbed trying desu. Mary Jane is a dirty whore; she offers nothing to users, lingers in your system for months, and is easily eclipsed by superior uppers and downers. The only reason to smoke pot is if you don't know how to use dark net markets and there isn't a dealer in your social network, even then it's a waste of money.
>just fud so people would support keeping it banned
Not really. Sure it was over fud'd during the 'just say no' and DARE days but any quality dealer will have superior narcotics to offer, this is of course unless you're buying from niggers in high school bathrooms.
That's completely false. I went through a pot phase in my college years (went to a party school and everyone did it) and all the pot dealers and their suppliers in and around my uni and even my hometown were pretty nice guys. I was never marketed anything besides pot and they didn't sell anything besides pot. I did once go with my neighbor to their coke/mdma dealer, He was shady as shit. I think he cut his drugs with something and marketed them as pure. Anyway, most fats/sororities were fine with pot but nothing harder so most kids didn't do the hard shit.
College dealers aren't typically the best sample population of vendors in the general market, most of them are students themselves that just either grow their own, buy from real suppliers off campus, or buy them from dream market or some other onion site and sell at a mark up. I'm not necessarily saying that dealers are bad people-though I have met a few that intentionally turned their friends into dependent fiends-more that any established dealer will often sell harder drugs, particularly these days. Now that pot has been legalized in all of Canada and at least a third of the US it's often the case that dealers can't rely entirely on weed. It's the same as a portfolio, only now they're forced to diversify due to drastically increased competition from the state with its superior strains, legal access for buyers, and alternative products such as edibles and CBD. Anyway, the point is that you're more likely to rub shoulders with someone using better drugs if you regularly associate with stoners, especially now that it's legalized and people will be moving on to the next low hanging fruit banned by the state.
haha fucking nerd. how is it knowing that one user was pumping your moms pussy last night? NERD.
Never mind the skills of the engineers, have they surpassed their women and minority hiring quotas?
People pay for the highest quality at the lowest price. You can grow marijuana practically anywhere at multiples that exceed the input costs.
>thank you for your service
Pot may be shit but seeds aren't magic beans, it's not particularly common to have a dealer that professionally manages the water, soil, and light needs of their weed and manages a greenhouse large enough to consistently turn out a product at every beck and call. Shitty dealers failing to grow is besides the point though. Between state entry into the market and cartels trying to maintain market share, prices have dropped significantly in the past few years. If you want to make serious money selling drugs you're not going to do it selling marijuana, unless you miraculously stumble on a region with no competition.
My question is more asking which will yield a better outcome. Stoner wagies might be better in the long run since they are happy in their cages.
I started smoking when I was 10 years old and have been pretty much smoking daily ever since. Yes I'm addicted but w/e. 32 now. Married, 2 kids, 2 paid for houses (one rented) and I run my own business.
Also paid for my own college after starting my first company in high school.
Weed is my coke. Without it I probably wouldn't get up in the morning.
care to elaborate a bit user? what cannabis etc do you like and how do you enjoy it? also interested in how youve integrated your cannabis use with your family.
t. fellow user who fuckin loves weed
I did move on to other drugs, cocaine mainly, but because of alcohol. Now I don't drink anymore but smoke on the weekend. Sometimes I make realizations about my life and career that I wouldn't have thought about if I didn't smoke
that face when u just had $659.37 of reefer delivered to your doorstep in under 15 mins being a low test beta fag in my venice beach condo filled with sexy women about to smokes my legal drugs.
What are you doing on Jow Forums rn then?
Do you even need to ask him to prove it?