Snowblossom getting into some payment streaming style stuff

Snowblossom getting into some payment streaming style stuff.

Love this coin. Not trying to throw around hype buzzwords but still innovative.

Attached: april-ink-12_800 (1).jpg (601x800, 68K)

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I can dig it, this payment channel idea was something they were talking about months ago. I wasn't sure if they were going to follow through on it. If we're lucky it might translate into some more UX/UI stuff.

It will come through, in time. Snowblossom is an unironic gem just might be a year or 2 before we get a full on XRB run. I can wait.

Nobrainer to get a bag of this.

Difficulty has been steadily rising. Getting hyped in China because it is minable with old rigs (IOPS mining). Listings for new Chinese exchanges are incoming in a couple of days.

Channels concepts:

A GUI is coming.

Attached: snowblossom_diff-month.png (497x292, 24K)

Attached: tc.png (504x161, 7K)

this shit is in silentmode. will be huge in the next bull, get ready for your next x1'000

Cool application

I love my Jow Forumsbros, i hope they have a bag of this. Just grab 210 for ~$100 and hold for years. Twu shills a lot of utter shut but this is different.

Finally a normie friendly site. Snowblossom will no longer be only for indie-chads.

Still accumulating, will settle at 10k snow. Almost a terrifying how rich i will be if it gets the attention it deserves

Nice. I have 10k as well.
What is your target?

why would you wait in a coin that you know isn't going to move for a year or two? there is so much other stuff pumping right now. drop your bags and accumulate user. this shitcoin will be there when you come's not going anywhere.

>Nobrainer to get a bag of this.
purchase where?

qtrade or otc

why do i believe this will be the one coin that will send me to lambo land?

Cause that's not how speculation and crypto works maybe?

Once Snowblossom is on any kind of serious vol exchange it will spark virally and go nuts. I know most here are dumb but this is ACTUALLY for real the next Railblocks/Nano.

Attached: 1464165124450.png (659x609, 134K)

Wait for 8k sats or below, last week a self-buy fag was filling orders at 12 - 15k (and pumping the volume), don't fall in market makers trickery. The halvening is in 4 years, plenty of time to buy cheap.

the self-buying meme has been debunked months ago

Attached: b.png (370x202, 18K)

Yup, this is obviously a shill thread full of curry boys, snow can be great in the distant future but for the moment is just another promising indie shitcoin

Wheres the best place to buy this shit?
