The AION phoenix (finally) rises?

I warned of this around 300 sats. If this truly is finally breakout time, I'd say projections would be $1 EOY. $20-$50 in 2020-2021, depending on how staking goes.

Hope you caught bottom. It's been painful accumulating, but it will be worth it. To those wondering, it's absolutely not too late for a solid entry, considering the justing this has done on most.

Look at the growth and consider it.

Attached: Aion.jpg (1000x1000, 193K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is weak FUD, and will be likened to those who sole Apple early.

Screencap this.




Holy kek

Laugh now. Buy news after news after news (then staking) later as our 20x bags stake away to the new run in 2021. Scared money don't make money.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-08 at 2.54.57 PM.png (1872x1260, 374K)

Is 25k enough to make it?

Checked. Im all in link but what's a good bag? 30k to make it? 10k insurance? Thanks user

Hey dude. Love how the fud comes out in full force one day before the pump. Like clockwork :)

Also how far so you see this going Short term ? 500 sats possibly ? I was in your warning thread :) my face right now pic related

Attached: Pops_from_The_Regular_Show_party_mask_buy_masks_at_starstills__48541.1439998535.1280.1280.jpg (911x1000, 35K)

never seen a better fomo retards than reddit. most bought in jan 2018 and selling in march 2019

30K will do you for sure. If they accomplish what they want I have no doubt they'll pass ATH in some time. That'll be $300,000+ with staking. Think about it, and get in before 15 cents.

This might be a huge fake-out, but it's worth sitting on indefinitely, if you find yourself 30-50% up. Selling this then having it crack upwards by the $1's finally and you'll hate yourself forever.

15% isn't FOMO, but there absolutely will be a time for that. You should realize what this could be, and think about it.


Cheers, AION holders. Our time may have finally come.

Read this and mull it over, if anyone is serious about following wormholes.

I'd say we might have a pullback to 325 sats, but it's not looking like it ATM.

Big buys coming in.

I think we made it.

Cheers mate. Hope this pump keeps on going.

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If this down-trend is finally broken, expect some serious FOMO. People have been waiting and don't want to buy on the way down.

This may be it or it may not. Let's find out.

If it isnt , i'll be patient with Aion. Also the article was a good read . Can i ask in which other projects you are invested / interested? For me its komodo and particl .

Tether for now just in case. REN seems like a good play, but might retrace to 0.018 cents or lower if BTC shits the bed hard.

Honestly, if you're on the fence in Tether right now, you might want to wait until this board is all pink wojaks to buy anything.

Stay safe.

Like in good project to hold or for trade?

Bumping with Pink Pops !

Attached: 0056a4f7ba488a5a5d5932a82a38ec5b.jpg (640x640, 103K)

This is one of the most anticipated staking projects, and they haven't even announced when it will be. Keep that in mind.

Checking this later . Btw where are the other aion holders? Is it just us two here or what ?

Also fuck the 340 sat hurdle

i can't remember which one of their telegram shills got this

Attached: aion tattoo.jpg (853x1280, 102K)

And i saw ren shilled here so i assumed to better avoid it

Lmao , what a disgusting cuck tatoo :) hope he wont reproduce.

Attached: Muscle-Man-Portrait.png (300x353, 40K)

Others are presumably smart money who bought bottom, or before, and don't give a shit.

Nice! Hopefully they're buying in this range as well.

Looks like 13 cents has legs. If you got in under 320, don't sweat this for a week.

interstellar can't poo in loo

The suffering ends today. But fuck my greedy feelings ( should have bought more ) anyway cya on the moon.