Legit and beneficial hacks only. These should be designed to game the unfair life system to get jobs / money / free stuff / improve health / make friends.

Some ideas include:
> easy fraudulent activity with low risk of being caught
> nootropics
> psychological techniques to influence people
> ways to manipulate females (or males)

I'll start
> amazon refunds. You can get everything delivered by amazon free by buying stuff and saying it didnt come. Can repeat this until your credit card is banned then report it lost and get a new one. Can also change your billing address and rinse repeat

> Hug people. Psychologically when you make body contact with people they perceive you as a friend. This is why when girls have high interest in you they will rub their body on you or want to cuddle. It induces a feeling of wanting to pair bond.

> If your alarm never wakes you up get a vibrating alarm watch (apple watch or peasant equivalent)

> breathe into your diaphragm with every breath (through your nose). You can control any emotions by simply breathing into your belly. With practice you will constantly do this and never get rattled

> wake up at 3am, meditate then go back to sleep and wake up at 7am. You want to maximise high quality sleep and also you want to maximise the amount of sunlight hours you get. Your circadian rhythm is unironically the most important thing for your health. You are synced with nature irreversibly

> dont read negative things or look at negative things... they get stored in your memory and repeat themselves to you in your mind and can affect your mood

> stop judging people
> read books
> dont practice homosexuality or entertain homosexual thoughts. Tame your unclean desires in general. You should desire healthy women to mate with and if you dont something is off or wrong

Attached: LifeHacks_CurrentSeries.jpg (580x328, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hahahahaha. You’re really really stupid.

Instead of being ignorant why dont you ask questions so you can learn you fool

Good thing traps aren't gay

Yeah listen - forget all that nonsense OP. You wanna suck my cock instead?

i currently collecting neetbux of £1280 per month. i will be running an experiment, rent and food will run to about £800 per month which leaves £400 per month to invest in something. i will hold any kind of stock or share or crypto or asset. i will track my progress on a spreadsheet. in a year i can put away £5k which could end up being a lot more by the end of the year. with the right crypto coin it could be 5k after the first month.

There has to be some catch with Amazon refunds. Won't amazon eventually close your amazon account or won't the bank close your accounts with it if you keep changing your billing address to addresses that aren't yours?

> you can easily find out if girls are attracted to you by hugging them from behind

> never tip ever

> Nothing get's you better energized in the morning than a shot of whisky

> don't shame fat people. just look at their belly frequently and make strange faces as if you smell something bad

> get a cleaning lady

> get a STEM degree and work in management

> sell crypto to elderly people

Put gold bond or baby powder on your nutsack after you get out of the shower and glide through life with zero friction

Checked and kekd

>when you make body contact with people they perceive you as a friend
this might work with normies, it would make me REEEEEEE hard

>aside from money pros, fasting is actually healthy, go to Jow Forums

>all the Jow Forums fucking books you will ever fucking need (2 GB):

>information on almost every subject in the history of humanity(0.5 TB):

>You can control any emotions by simply breathing into your belly.
this is the most retarded thing ive read in a while

t. belly breather

There are some shady forums that sell $60 coupons for $40 or $100 coupons for $60 so you can use them at supermarkets and save up to $40 with each purchase.

I like twinks though. Some twunks. I'm constantly yelling, "where the boypussy at" when I leave work.

>dont practice homosexuality or entertain homosexual thoughts.
kek, you are a mongoloid

Yeah, it's hard to pull it off with Amazon. It's easier to do it with some tech dealers like Logitech. You keep scamming them and reselling the free products for easy cash


you have to build up to it. So when you meet say 'spud me' (fist bump) then next time bring the fist bump in, then once it gets to the point where you smile when you see each other then go for the hug.

thats because highly intelligent things will sound silly to someone who is uninitiated. This technique is the basis of ancient meditation from thousands of years ago and absolutely works and stimulates parasympathetic pathways.

Your intestines have intelligence and can help regulate and give information about your body but you have to not eat too much food, breathe properly and listen carefully.

even googling the crude terms 'gut instinct' and 'belly breathing' will net useful results and those arent even the technical names for the meditation

Shower to Shower is another excellent type of powder for the balls

homosexuality is not good for your mind and body. It is a basal instinct that comes from malfunction / sexual abuse. Its not the only basal instinct but its not good for your mind.

Theres a reason why people use homosexuality as a weapon against others in prisons

Homosexual detected

You mean it's good for the body. I feel great after slamming some twink.

You're probably gay. I mean who WOULDN'T fuck a QT3.14 twink?

Kek you are a degenerate faggot

>Don't read negative things

>amazon refunds
Do this a couple of times and amazon won't sell shit to you ever again

>Hug people
If you need a blog post to start doing this chances are it will come off as creepy cause you do not have enough social skills to pull it off

>If your alarm
Wow, this really is hardcore unethical life hack and not diluted common-sense advice casuals love to throw around

Not even bothering with the rest of the list

Finally a Patrician
Although I am into male jailbaits (14-16) (it's legal age here in Brazil, so I don't have to worry about a thing)

Yeah cause they get horny as hell b

Gold bond now makes ball powders in several masculine scents. Keeps your balls and taint region dry AND smells good.

pleb loser detected.

Do you homos get turned on by your own weiner?


Nah. I like chicks too. I like it all

fucking freak

I like masculine girls and feminine boys

Even Jewish overlords love teenager boys

im sure your negative mindset has gained you loads of friends

You're still a faggot tho

Transsexual pajeet detected

Straighter than you Muhammad

I'll take you up on that offer.

Attached: 1551869468134.jpg (619x576, 28K)

pretty good. here's one:

if your lips are dry and you don't have any lip balms handy the natural mucus found on the inner wall of your nose makes an excellent substitute that soothes quite well

Attached: kanpai.jpg (1060x1184, 224K)

100% shit tier advice die in a car accident you fucking dumb cunt

Check the marketplace at You can find some sellers selling these type of vouchers, coupons, etc. Some sellers also sell combos lists which are lists of cracked accounts and it's up to you to find profitable accounts, just be careful to not get scammed or get into legal trouble.

Since we're on a crypto board here's a real life hack:
Use your worthless bitcorns to buy drugs on the dark web and sell them for huge profit. Use a VPN and tor obviously and get a paid mailbox from a 3rd party not through USPS. Shit is easy money.

This is the worst post I've ever seen; go back to Jow Forums, stormweenie.

Here in Brazil it wouldn't work, people just use weed and cocaine here