Reddit is trash

>Goes to Jow Forumscryptocurrency daily
>Retarded mods sticky a comment
"Enjin started pumping on the back of a rumour 7 days ago. Today the same website that started the rumour "Asia Crypto Today" is now claiming the partnership is fully confirmed while providing no sources. Neither Samsung or Enjin have released any statements to this. It's quite possibly an opportunist move by a third party on the back of the launch of Samsung's new flagship phone the S10. If you actually fall for this kind of manipulation, buying into rumours and holding an extended position, then you haven't learnt anything from 2018."

>faggot mods get called out for being wrong and for using their powers to try and manipulate the users view on ENJ
>Still won't retract their statement after they are proven wrong
>Plz come join Nano AMA
The absolute state of cucks on reddit.
If you don't believe it go check there and then go check the enj telegram and search for the messages yourself if you think these are fake

Attached: modsaregay.png (1657x1062, 568K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: enj2.jpg (455x960, 39K)

Hey I'm a r/cc mod you faggot

s10 releases today App is already rolling out to the galaxy app store

Attached: enj2.png (683x1032, 331K)


Attached: 1550607466163.jpg (249x249, 8K)

get your shit together then

Attached: u.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

Update premiers in an hour

Please short yourself cuck

He's a manlet already he cant go any shorter

I got banned for calling VeChain a chink scam, so go fuck yourself.

I was a tg admin for the main group of a (current) top 20 coin. I never provided any credentials to anyone. tg announcements should always be considered rumours unless confirmed otherwise. Just my 2 cents.

Admitting going to Reddit should be a permaban on sight

Imagine being so bad at life you listen to reddit mods instead of searching yourself for 20 seconds in telegram. Every autismo on there sucking mod cock about it is just some other bagholder that's mad his bags aren't pumping. These mongrels piss on Jow Forums for being a shitshow when all everyone does on reddit is upvote what they own and downvote what they don't.

Reddit IS the tribe mentality. At least here you can shill and call each other faggots outright instead of having to be all coy and facetious about it like that cancerous ass place. Here you're on your own to pick the gems from the shit but at least your content can't be blatantly manipulated or censored here.

Fucking reddit nigger cucks

hi from r/cc
does enjin have a partnership with apple too?

Attached: scammers.png (767x360, 34K)

Kek. You, me, and half their active human users in 2018

Reddit is still all in OMG and "accumulating cheapies" cause $700 EOY.

What did they mean by this?

I have zero sympathy for r*ddit users. This is what you get for using that trash site.


pump and dump scam over

Absolutely based and redpilled

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Hello Thomas