/smg/ - Stock Market General

/cope on
reminder, if you're a long term investor, today, this week, even december is just a blip on the radar.

keep the end goal in focus edition
/cope off

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

previously masterpiece:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw stock market is crashing again

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Why are interactive brokers margin rates so low?
Is there something wrong with them?

We got too close to the sun


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is this what I get for being a "buy and hold" investor?

u boys ahve to post how much you are losing so I can feel better

I’m hedged with short lever on indexes so I’m actually in green staying a dividend fren hehe

I miss anything?


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I am up about 100k for the year

long DIS

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> Transfer to inverse ETF
> Transfer back when you feel comfy again
I don't get how tough this is

the unstoppable Tesla

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Is Altria a good long-term buy? Good dividend tendies and feasts on addiction

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Comfy here in short term bonds

So how are we feeling about LPTX? I just sold at 1.62, might buy back in at 1.50-1.55 today, sounds like there's a lot of company confidence floating around

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Comfy as fuck in GLD and SLV.

I wanna buy TSLA puts so bad

Holy shit there's been warnings for weeks and I even came in last thread laughing at the people delusional enough to think it's going to 3k

Global housing price recession, slowed China growth, estimated US growth down to 2 percent even with interest rate pull backs, might even need negative interest to keep this Ponzi afloat

And you're a bull


Correct me if I’m wrong for but silver falls too in case of actual crash. Silver likes stagflation more than crisis

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Been trading in and out of LCI for awhile locking in gains and buying lower as well as trading Options around my core.. this is my current situation with it... I'm going to try and hold for atleast $30

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I don't know what silver does in a situation where we crash, but why would we crash? The economy is healthy, we've got the best economy. Head nigger came out and said we're in a new era and 2% GDP growth will be the normal, and now look we're almost double that. Nobody thought it was possible, I'm actually a little surprised by it. Going to go hard into a volatility short position pretty soon. Things are really going to take off in a big way in a short amount of time.

bruh just fuck

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Because it's time. Also China tanked really bad last night. EU is in trouble. Bad news all around.



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Sorry, i went short last week. If it mskes you feel better i did get stopped out on my one remaining long this morning. Now 100% short.

took a comfy position in gme. 13% divi, 300m buyback, huge tute ownership. death of physical games greatly exagerated

down about $1,150 in unrealized losses, no biggie

i was fine when my portfolio dropped 30K in unrealized loss in december, i think i'll be fine today

LPTX is the first time listening to /smg/ did not immediately lose me money

I'm up today I just wanted to see some big losses

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I'm up $1200 but I was up $30k back in November as well. Eh

Pretty crap jobs report this morning. Big miss on new jobs, slight decrease on unemployment, slight increase on wages.


They have a catalyst in a week and there should be another one the first half of this year. Target prices are over $10...

i'm wondering if they factor in the fact that if you're near record unemployment (or at it), adding new jobs is extremely difficult because most people have one.

What are we forecasting for retail data Monday?

Why is Powell and the other 2 boofs going on 60Min show Sunday?? WHY??

To send us to Spy $300 by next Friday.

There is team of economist who consider these things for a living. Nobody saw this bad numbers

What's the best way to an hero? Asking for a friend, haha.

I just bought a bunch of different ITM and OTM put strikes on this VXXB thing. I can't wait to see where it lands on Friday.

car engine

mix 5 gallons ammonia and bleach in a bath tub and jump in.

Expectations are high and last quater numbers were already bad. So recipe for another disapointment

i thought thats how you make /b/ crystals

VIX been sliding every Friday recently, but you know this week is different

Go someplace where it's very cold.
Buy a bottle of your favorite booze.
Leave your phone at home / the hotel.
Travel out to the middle of nowhere after sunset, the forest is a good choice.
Ideally there would be at least a few inches of snow on the ground.
Start drinking.
When you really start feeling wasted, take off as much clothing as you can stand.
Keep drinking.
Pass out and die of exposure while unconscious.

quality post fren

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nah to grow crystals you need to add a few pennies.

Did you just fucking Bog me

H&S on small cap indices. SHORT IT ALL

I only make the best posts
Actually in that case I saw not only one but two of the most interesting and ridiculous posts, had to respond
it's all me baby

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Need to recoup losses of several hundred dollars

From now on, I'm going to take profits at least temporarily if I'm up 25% or more on a position and am not waiting for an imminent catalyst (still up 13% overall, just starting to realize that I should take profits)

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>car engine

Nah. Not unless you've got a very old car. New cars don't produce nearly as much carbon monoxide. You'll just get really sick.

Good! Also be sure to use trailing stops when you're up, either the automatic ones or update manually every couple days depending on how much movement has occurred.

Sounds comfy

dont worry boys, its just a dip, like the good old days. we just need to cool off before the golden bull can begin. get your buying finger prepared to click on QQQ

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damn, that's a bummer. carbon monoxide is the most painless way to kill yourself as far as I know

Kill that fucking mouse MAKE IT SUFFER

Take the good old helium or nitrogen bag. You won't even notice passing out. Watch out, some helium tanks have additional oxygen to prevent retards like you from doing that.

And it's also the easiest way to break your resolve to kys. Firing your gun into your brain kills you in 2 mins.

Your mistake is thinking that vix will go down anytime soon.

Look the little one's got an Islander's T-Shirt. Here's to the Bears.

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Helium is a non-renewable resource (with the exception of fusion) with important industrial and medical purposes. It comes out of the earth as a byproduct of other resource extraction activity. Once it's escaped into the atmosphere, recovering it is cost prohibitive.

FGP is the way to be

>get your buying finger prepared to click on QQQ

I think we've got at least 5% more downside coming. Higher low over the 2018 low looks like a possibility without more nasty bearish catslysts.


all those that fell for the pump and dump

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Wrong board, smart ass. I bet people killing themselves most likely don't care about that.

sold yesterday :3

thanks to the alt poster, wherever he is

Ah, I love the smell of newly minted bagholders in the morning.

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It was practically as obvious as pump and dumps get

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the market fundamentals are completely different post december. theres a theoretical inverse head and shoulders with december being the head though.

US created 20,000 jobs in February, vs 180,000 expected


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To anathethize the boomers so they don't resist while their retirements are harvested.

feels so good to think about boomers losing their retirement accounts, pensions, etc.
they had an easy, easy ride, hope it all goes to hell right at the end for them
of course they won't accept the blame, I don't think most boomers are even capable of comprehending what is happening in the world

Sir Costco rides again

g-go Ducks

It's not good, because boomers vote. They will eat their own children (us) to keep making payments on their RV.

thats your fucking grandparents asshole

I'm no Zoomer. my grandparents were awesome, but I'm glad that they have passed away a few years ago and don't have to see the world the way it is now

where we're going we don't need votes

Once we hit that 50 EMA on the SPY daily I'm going to buy as many fucking call options as possible.

Should I ride FGP down to 0 or take my big gains now?

Disney ($DIS) plans to finalize FOX ($FOXA) merger next week or week after, pending Mexican approval vote Monday. $FOXA calls are trading super cheap rn. Could run up next week.

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Who bought the REFR bottom?

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That BO sounding less and less likely isn’t it

not really, it's just as likely as it was before

It could be that no one wanted to buy because they didn't think it would make it through phase 3

Fun times.

>they didn't think it would make it through phase 3

why wouldn't they think that

Gilead’s didn’t make it theough phase 3

What does this chart signify?

When will the shorts fuck off?

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Through, fucking phone posting


1.40 target

The science behind GALT's drug is different than Gilead's, tho
They're also going to have different endpoints in their phase 3 trial
The fact that Gilead's drug didn't make it through phase 3 makes it a better idea to buy GALT's drug, since a potential competitor in its niche of the NASH market dropped out

most obvious boiler room scam is down 30% since they started shilling it. what a surprise

I demand an explanation. I know there's a lawsuit but that doesn't excuse the change in ticker symbol and my subsequent inability to dump

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