The day is July 10 2019 >"Announcing the Enterprise Chainlink Alliance. We are glad to welcome Amazon, AXA, Barclays...

>The day is July 10 2019 >"Announcing the Enterprise Chainlink Alliance. We are glad to welcome Amazon, AXA, Barclays, Bloomberg, Citi, Clause, Clovyr, ConsenSys, Digital Asset, Docusign, Facebook, FedEx, Fidelity, HSBC, IBM, Intel, ISDA, JP Morgan, Microsoft, Nasdaq, NYSE, Oracle, PayPal, PwC, R3, Salesforce, SAP, SWIFT, Thomson Reuters, Uber, UPS, Wells Fargo (and many more!) into the Chainlink community. Chainlink also launching today on Coinbase (offering easy node staking with mobile app) & announcing Blythe Masters and Nick Szabo (now officially recognized as Satoshi) are joining the team"
>$0.38 -5.2%

Attached: mytat.jpg (1504x2016, 309K)

if that would be announced, link would be bigger than bitcoin in a month or two

>that tattoo
yikes and faggot pilled

When exactly is Chainlink going to be on Coinbase?

Adelyn if you're reading please do this thanks mommy

It is so terribly done. Disgusting pasty white skin.

Looks alright

That is how nazism began. Fuck off Delphi

>believing conspiracy theories

what a cornball

Imagine being the colour of poo

I'm buying $5k worth of link every week from now until around that date when I'll run out of money. Am I gonna make it?

If that were to be announced people would call chainlink a scam and the price would dump

you fucking autists have gone to far.

Bahahah way to bleed like a bitch. Your tattoo artist sucks and that tat is going to look like shit in less then a year. A good artist has very little to no blood because they are working the ink into the skin.

Hahahhaha it was just supposed to be a meme. It is literally just a middleware. Can’t believe you guys actually take this shitcoin seriously. I for one hold 0 link and will never ever buy this scam

You think nazis took tattoos?

If link hits $1000 i would unironically get a link tattoo. its the least i could do to show my gratitude to sergey

should have gotten it on your dick, so that when you get a boner, it says "$1000 EOY" when streched, but shrivels back into a hexagon when soft.

>the cult of link

>what's your tattoo user
>have you heard of Jow Forums Jow Forums? No?
>it's a Mongolian basket weaving forum on the internet where other autists try to make each other buy crypto currencies. Ok
>this ones called chainlink, it's actually a meme.


Attached: 1547262384095.jpg (1037x1037, 128K)

lmao you wish you were White so your inferiority complex would stop screaming in your head everyday about how it's not fair your aren't

Honestly even if chainlink wasn't a gamble i would start to ask myself some questions at this point.

>Wasting your money on tattoos instead of LINK

Not gona make it

based adidasanon. ive only had one tattoo, length of my forearm. there was no blood, whats your problem?