Anyone else have unexpected results with a job interview? Positive or negative

Anyone else have unexpected results with a job interview? Positive or negative.

>interview today
>well qualified but autistic as fuck
>spill spaghetti while outlining past experience
>manager probably thinks I'm retarded
>"if offered a position, how soon could you start?"
>say "Monday but ideally would like to give current company 2 weeks notice"
>manager raves more at that response than anything listed on my resume
>get job

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I've recently moved country (moved from Australia to Canada) and have been applying for a TON of jobs.

I've got 2 degrees and am trying to work in a totally different field.

So far I've had interviews where I've sperg'd out hard but they've still managed to go alright. More surprisingly I've had the option to interview way more than I expected I would.

I've got a job interview coming up in like 2 weeks for a company that I really want to work for - I'm trying to prep all my questions so I dont sperg out.

user - Did you plan any responses to questions or just wing it?

Interviewed at a local firm and prepped for about an hour worth of questions.

Interview lasted 8 minutes and I got the job

wagecucks ITT. keep sucking jewish dick faggots

congrats, user
I'm also autistic as fuck so I hope I also get lucky

nice OP

lucky enough to slave away to the Jews? wow truly something to aspire to

I'm literally self employed and set my own schedule, and I'm still happy/proud of the people in here doing what they want.

All you shitting all over them, just why?

Aim for what you want in life, fellow Jow Forumsnesseman, don't let others piss on your parade

>Apply for dream job role in a finance department
>Travel 2 hours to office and realise disinterested interviewer had already picked an applicant
>Rejection email

>Next week get interview offer from bank I applied to a week earlier
>Pay is better and I live a 5 min drive away
>Expect to get rejected again so almost no-show
>Feel like shit but go anyway
>Get job offer 5 hours later

Feels good bros. Always take a chance even if you expect to fail.

>im free from the jews but I dont mind others being enslaved
selfless of you

>get email from hr roastie from really good opporunity near me
>phone interview goes well, we went to the same university
>get in person interview
>ask about dress for interview, it's business professional which is wierd but whatever
>go to interview, the manager is also a roasie and is younger than me
>give the best interview of my life, she floored by all my questions
>regret email 1 week later

i'm about to steal a plane

Hah, I once had a stem related field interview where the interviewer did 90% of the talking. He liked talking and I just listened, nodded, agreed to everything and kept feigning interest without trying to space out. Offered me the job on the spot because I interviewed well and he liked my character. The funny thing is, I didn't even want the job and was hoping I would be rejected. Such is life. leston: Dont sperg out, let people finish talking and try to listen to key words so they think you are on the money.

i had been using indeed for 3 months looking for a job, 100 applications and 1 response.
i started using ziprecruiter, applied for 10 and got 5 responses. i got a call today, it sounds like an offer but its not official yet.
i wish I had known indeed was so useless... it could have saved me so much heartache.
but really i think its just a numbers game. they usually know within a few minutes if they want to hire you or not, the rest is just going through the motions while they have another candidate in mind, which really sucks balls.

this reminds me. i got an interview because I smoozed a recruiter girl at a school event. all the other guys were being tryhards with the standard faggot lines while I just kept cool and listened & asked curious questions.
I drove 2 hours to find they hadn't even scheduled the interview so the manager was confused and didn't even know who i was. So he interviewed me anyway. i didn't really want the job actually, so it went pretty awful. but it was interesting to see inside the company
yeah I hate interviews with big companies too because it seems they like to waste people's time. seems like the interviews always go well and then i never hear from them again.

Winged it. However I would recommend planning responses to open ended questions. Those are where I almost lost it today.

Thanks frens. Manager is ex military so apparently integrity > experience here. Looking forward to starting.

>"Tell me about your time with X company"
>"Tell me about yourself"
>Y-you too...

the most common questions are
"tell me a project you worked on"
"can you work with other people or are you a problem?".
so have answers to those ready

for higher tier positions the questions are more technical, for entry level they usually don't care if you don't know the answers, if they ask them at all.

Ziprecruiter has a load of 3rd party talent agencies linked to the posts. I'd be careful about getting your hopes up, catching their interest means jack shit.

no, it was phone calls from actual companies, not recruiters. I get a lot of agency calls anyway, they never end up going anywhere.

Nice! Good luck user!

I found my last 5 jobs through Indeed. Fishing with their "apply now" option has worked well for me. Takes all of 60 seconds to attach my resume and answer their prescreening questions.

I only started using Ziprecruiter during this past job hunt but I literally got 0 callbacks using the aforementioned strategy on their site.

As a side note I never publicize my resume on job boards anymore since all I get are pajeets offering out of state jobs. Unsure if those are even legit.

>As a side note I never publicize my resume on job boards anymore since all I get are pajeets offering out of state jobs.
Also shitty commission-only and door-to-door sales jobs.