Hey user! We haven’t seen you since last year’s Christmas party! How are all those internet coins doing...

>Hey user! We haven’t seen you since last year’s Christmas party! How are all those internet coins doing? You wouldn’t stop talking about them last year haha

What do you say? to which

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honestly nobody would remember shit about what anyone said to them from a christmas party a year ago, let alone anything involving meme tokens

Would totally smash the braphog on the right.

you mean the cow? right?

yeah the cow

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I piss and shit myself to get them to leave so I can analyze more charts

You asked me this 5 times in the last month already retarded cunts


Wanna earn some?

>Hi girls! I'm user's new girlfriend, I don't think we've met yet.
>Yeah he does take his cryptocurrencies a little bit too seriously, but I believe he has made some good picks with his portfolio which will eventually pay off big time :)

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1 ETH=1 V Job

Only cucks would take a skank whore for a girlfriend

'i'll take it'

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One day, son, you will be a man

>Hey there, I missed You too girls, you look sensational tonight !
>Proceed to hug and kiss cheeks to greet since it's my country tradition to greet between friends man/woman.
>Big things are going to happen,but don't make me bore You cuties with some investments talk.
Let's get drinks first.
>Proceed with some shitty talk, if they ask about crypto, i would definetely tell them about Chainlink in some easy to understand 5 sentences because I don't give a fuck.
>Then just proceed at the girl who is more interested in me by flow of the conversation and focus on one only.
>Also 3/10 looks here, but like Joey Diaz, I show up with a big dick, and positive attitude. Also i hit the gym and can talk about any given topic thanks to working in sales for years, those two are just people. Who the fuck cares what they think about Chainlink or me in general after.
>If both are fuckin around and not interested, i cut the talks short, and go talk with someone else if that's party environment.
>Might approach later when they have drinks in them and like to split. If they glued then wingman needed.

Need more advice how to talk with human beings?

which do u go for , and think u can get her?


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>Hey there! I missed you girls too. What'd you guys do to gain so much weight though? Cause holy shit you guys are thicccc

BNB is doing wonderful. The funds are SAFU and CZ has great plans in store for the rest of the year.

How is Chad doing?

Oh, I'm sorry, getting dumped is rough, but I'm sure things will turn up soon.

> Say good bye and head back to my trading station where I roll all my profits into chainlink

The one that's more interested in me. If you put all of the attention to one, and she will reject you, the second one is burned aswell, because you talk to both of them in the same time.

Second one will feel that she was the second, and will reject you automatically. OR she might actually get jealous that you ignored her,and start hitting on you but that's highely unlikely unless that's the game you are willing to play HARD from the start.

Both are not supermodels, and even ugly dude can charm her.

The left one is Robin, and taller one is Batman.
Robin is in shade of her, Batman pulls out more man than her for sure.

Robin would be a safe bet judging by this picture alone.

thicc good or thicc bad


the batman cow is good though, why go for less

>Second one will feel that she was the second, and will reject you automatically
>OR she might actually get jealous that you ignored her,and start hitting on you
Now you're getting it

Laugh and walk away

Are we talking about actually getting some or trying to get the one on the right. Batman might be a little cuter, but she has a chin on her and already overweight. I bet she's dominant in relationship and will get way more fat in time. Robin is kinda uglier, but she knows how to do makeup and hair properly to her face, way slimmer and way smaller. That's a wife material right there.
Depends on the person, and male looks. If she was not that into you before talk, definetely A will happen, also taking in consideration they are friends in that arch of a story.

idk, id still go for the nice cow

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>What do you say?
Market crashed, lost most of it. I saw my life flashing before my eyes. Took me months trading like a slave to recover. With latest trade I did I won't have to work for the next six months. Plus remember the market crashed, so if it goes back even just to the exact same level of last christmas (which most likely will) that's enough for me to cashout a millionaire. I learned a lesson of a lifetime, mind you.

Tell me that at least one of you two had an eventful year on par or even equally breath taking as I did because I'd love to hear about it.

>to which
Left one is a venomous snake, the right one a lazy cow, so you pick.

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Braphgog is objectively more attractive