If you are hodling you are a deluded idiot who is going to capitulate sub 2k

If you are hodling you are a deluded idiot who is going to capitulate sub 2k.

> pic is a massive sell signal, trust the market.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (649x349, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:


patetic self-bump

>browsing r*ddit

Thx, just bought.


shoulda gone to FSU and rushed tbwh

the bottom is EXACTLY one point in time, what's he on about

yiff in hell furfag

this guy's profile is a goldmine

Attached: WfoCuXp.png (743x434, 29K)

would you still feel the same if we passed 4k?


Attached: 6607FCF7-D928-4AF9-AF68-6E096E99C565.jpg (624x479, 44K)

maximum delusion, dreaming about 1000$ daily candles, this is going sub 2k faggots

I buy between the 300 and 400 WMA, if we bull I fomo at 4600.

WMA? weekly moving average?

I've got 10 BTC now that I really started buying in earnest below $3500 or so. If we bottom here and move up, I'm happy. If we drop to 2k I'll just buy more and be happy.

>one random post on reddit affects the entire market

Kek and we're deluded, huh OP?

if you're selling at a loss at this stage you're a fucking retard

yes desu

Attached: 1551889621267.jpg (1828x962, 387K)

>he thinks the 200 will break

yikes dude

Attached: current setup.jpg (1434x879, 110K)

yes retard, is going to break, you are making your bet in a single line, im making my bets in more than 10 factors, I win, you lose, is that simple.

Attached: 63245234.png (2520x1804, 671K)

Attached: 534234324.jpg (2047x1056, 301K)

No I'm not, I bought the 200 and if it does break, which I find unlikely but obviously nothing is ever 100%, only then will I entertain the 300/400 meme. Anything here is free money in 5 years regardless of if you buy at 4k, 3k or 2k. You're the dummy waiting for like 150 in 2015 when whether you bought at 200 or 300 is fucking irrelevant today.

>this is going sub 2k
Ahhhhmmmmmm.... gimme, gimme... darn you user, stop doing that, I'm already drooling all over the desk imagining sub 2k btc.

Attached: wet dreams.jpg (1126x1299, 87K)

you are all unironically going to became childs of the market, Im screenscaping this, good luck idiots

its not that i am hodl to hodl. rather exactly what asset class can i cash out to thats better

property, divource 50% gone and it can recover

shares scams and stuff abound

cash infraltion and money printing

any asset class can be siezed

so beyond day to day living costs and a buffer of fiat wtf would i cash out into?

btc is portable insta cash in any currency

imagine chimp out good luck getting your zimb assets out

>Accumulating 50%-100% more is irrelevant

just lmao @ the absolute state of biz

dumbass I'd be happy as a clam to buy more at 2k. It's just likely not happening.

I've sold all my bitcoins. You should, too.

my favorite part is where the bulls have to blatently lie and say that the bottom is in and you need to buy now or miss these prices forever. Meanwhile if the bottom is actually in we would go through an accumulation phase that lasts months and months.

They have to try and create fear that if you don't buy in right now you will miss out on those months of sideways!

That sounds kinda hot actually.

Reichsoin - Official Currency of Alt - Right
Private. Secure. Strong
We Won't Be Stopped.
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Sieg Heil

Attached: Reichscoin.png (3000x3000, 1.1M)

these charts are jokes
you anons are all over the place