>mfw I have to borrow 10000 from grandpa to live
I should fucking kill myself.
Mfw I have to borrow 10000 from grandpa to live
I know, I'm a fucking loser draining wealth from good men.
Fren why don't you get a job?
Don't kill yourself.
>I should fucking kill myself.
yes you should
>just get a job bro
and how the fuck does one do that? I've got a degree from a top ten school, years of experience, look and act normal, and have been applying every day since fucking november.
If I don't have a job by the end of this month I'm going all in on rope no LARP
Oh my fucking God. Don't kill yourself over a bunch of HR roasties being cunts. Eventually you'll get your toe in the door somewhere. Stay here and cause mischief with us.
Look, I could understand if you had terminal cancer, or were in chronic pain for a decade, or all your kids died. But killing yourself over unemployment is goofy.
shit shovelers are always needed
it's not the job user. I don't even want to work but i begrudgingly accept that reality.
It's hard for me to articulate why I hate existence so much, but I guess the short answer is that I've never fit in anywhere. I just can't enjoy the things that normies do.
I had everything going for me at one point but I'm hopeless now. Fuck this gay earth.
at least you have a nice grandpa
remember to save some for a nice birthday present to him
>I guess the short answer is that I've never fit in anywhere.
I'm not sure that's really the problem. If it were though, then I'd say in a world of seven billion people I believe you can find your tribe.
My larger point is that whatever challenges you face I believe you can work around them one way or another.
Bruh, I became chronically ill and couldn't work for 5 years. I made it back from being 200 euro away from completely broke and homeless to employed and debt-free with 30k in investments in some 2 years. You need to start living frugal and learn skills companies desperately seek. What degree do you have?
thanks for the replies anons, my company went under almost and grandpa is bailing me out. I really can't let him down or everything is for naught.
Killing yourself over not being able to work for this man-made system is the last thing you want to do. Whether you get that job or not, don't forget there's a life outside of this job / career paradigm. If you end up falling flat on your face, let it happen. Don't just end it right there; get the fuck up and continue with your journey.
your gramps is a failure if he doesnt have it
I asked my grandma for a 6 month loan of $2k one time in my life
She gave me $100, via check, with a postcard.
but why. there's no point in playing a game designed to make you fail.
>just live frugally bro
I've been eating beans for a year nigger. all my clothes have holes in them. I'm the cheapest piece of shit that I know or have ever heard of. That's part of the reason I'm so pissed. I see through the jewish schemes to keep me working and buying shit I don't really need.
I will be homeless and 10k in debt at the end of this month.
I literally do not give a fuck about a job/career or having normie status symbols. I'd just like to go surfing every now and then, have food to eat, and not have to rely on my family to bail me out of shit situations. I've been homeless 2 times before, get a normal life going, then lose all fucking hope because I hate it so much. I was middle class with savings a year ago. Now I'm unemployable.
>Bruh, I became chronically ill and couldn't work for 5 years.
Just wondering, what were you sick with and how'd you get better?
Least you have a grandpa who can help you financially. Grats on being born into non-trashy family.
You have reminded me that sometimes it's better to rely on family for support than have a family that doesn't or can't help. I will do everything I can to get him his money back.
You'd better pay that shit back before he dies, man
He's only 70, so good chance I'll be able too cause he's also in fantastic shape. Served in Vietnam and got out without going loopy or suffering from agent orange, so he's putting family first before financial decisions. I will definitely be able to pay back 4000 in the month, I just don't know if I'll be able to pay back the rest. I hope to fuck I can turn things around.
Godspeed, dude.
Sounds like your grandpa is a good man. So that means at least 25% of your genes aren't complete shit.
Thanks man, appreciated, I put it all in chainlink so we'll see.
You should but you won't because you're a piece of shit coward
I hope you're not saying you put his 10k in chainlink
Actually I hope you are because that's fucking hilarious
How can you not get a job if you can write this post...
>Fuck this gay earth.
Ah yes, classic, blame the world for your misfortunes. That'll get you far.
well, I meant shortcomings, but you won't pay this any mind anyway
get a job
pay your grandpa back (with interest you cunt)
stop bitching like a 14yo who just got a hit of hormones
Oh, poor you. Suck it up and get a job you're "overqualified" for (I see Now Hiring signs goddamned everywhere I go) and keep applying to the jobs you actually want until you get one of those. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Nobody eats for free.
And protip- there are better ways of making money than a job that requires a degree. You run goofed. But it's never too late to un-goof unless you're dead. So don't kill yourself because then you can't fix shit and your mom will be sad.
SACTLY THIS! you either have a pretty useless, or pretty bad degree. you can survive on $1000 a month. potatoes cabbage milk soap $500 shithole rent launderette bus . welcome to the real world you faggot. get a delivery job. get a factory job. get a fruit packing job. give that money back right now, step into the arena of working class life and fight, you gay bastard.
taking money like that from pawpaw and then being such a cunt you'd an hero and put that level of sadness on grandpa and mummy and everyone, just because you are little pussy boy?
> fight and suffer like a man you fanny. now get out there, grab your miserable life by the throat, headbutt it, bend it over a table, bugger it senseless and spit in its fucking crying face.