Chainlink + Oraclize = how big? I'd like your insight

Real talk, how big is the Oraclize absorbing Chainlink move?

Bigger than Town Crier or not? TC was a downright merger and acquisition, a true alpha move, however Oraclize said they would likely support future networks (Witnet?).

Oraclize as a parent company it seems has been active since before SmartContract started providing centralized oracles (which we know they were doing but don't know much about their clients before they transitioned to link dev)? It's certainly more established as THE centralized oracle option, and although we all know centralized oracles suck,

1 centralized oracles will still be the prefered option for some clients and use cases
2. Oraclize has developed a reputation and customer base; supposedly having worked with thousands of teams so far.

We should be understanding therefore that Oraclize's customer base might now be considered link's potential customer base. From the previous hundreds of teams, to now thousands. All the bullish news about Oraclize should also retroactively be applied to link, such as their collabs with Corda and their role in the latest EEA guidelines.

This brings the question: Is there a deeper motive behind this move? Did Sergey try to pull another merger and acquisition to further secure a monopoly (decentralized network + TEE + established centralized option = you just win). TC and Oraclize were link's two biggest competitors and they have now been assimilated. It's becoming clear that Vitalik's "not worth 32mil" comment was right, however that's because he didn't account for what Sergey would do with the budget: buy out the competition.

On one side, Oraclize supporting link was necessary for them to survive, on the other it's unlikely they are doing it for free: how much is Sergey paying them (wallet autists, any movement?), is he ready to pay enough so they don't support other networks in the future? Thinking long-term CEO game, this move could just be the first step, he might keep trying for a full-on M&A.

Attached: 0 PPgZ.png (1280x720, 1.55M)

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how big? 40 cents big

Just as after we learned about the TC acquisition we started digging into TC's potential user base (such as Cardano mentioning it), we should now be digging into Oraclize to find out who is using them already.

Based. How important is it when you go to McDonald’s, OP? Is that a big partnership announcement too?

you mean -15 cents?

Attached: 1551837498754.gif (180x158, 1.31M)

>how much is Sergey paying them
More like how much are they paying Sergey? Oraclize can't beat chainlink and they know it.

I won't sleep until that witnet cuck adan bends the fucking knee. Literally nothing else in life matters

How big is Ethereum?
How many projects (not limited to ETH, as by design LINK is agnostic), require off-chain data?
How many of those use cases need highly secure data?
Data == anything off-chain with an API.

Oracalize saw the light. They still have a business model with their trusted oracles.
However, if someone needs a highly secure (TC) and decentralized (LINK) oracle solution, ChainLink is the only game in town.
If oracalize wants to be in this market as well, they can either build their own shit to compete with LINK, or adopt link and run nodes with less effort (and less income, but their trusted oracles are still profitable).
This lets them hedge their bet.

yup. bertani‘s presentation made that clear. there is no way around the giant that is big daddy serg

what are the circumstances surrounding this gif?

Its oraclize paying chinlink you faggot
Bend the fucking knee

Women are not allowed to be in the same room when he reads from the Quran.

Try to think from Sergey as a CEO's perspective for a moment. It's about securing their user base and staying exclusive in case of emerging competition.

Also I just found this, anybody seen it before?

Attached: unknown-1.png (436x567, 309K)


You mean Chainlink absorbing Oraclize nuggah?

holy fucking shit that's a lot of onions

It's a site that accepts donations to run it.
No lawyer would do this.
This site is run by a moron that used a prebuilt template.

Lazy fucker, too as it looks terrible on mobile.

BASED and Linkpilled.

Man. Sergey is our Rockefeller. Can someone shop Sergey's face. Thank you.

Attached: 220px-John_D._Rockefeller_Jr._cph.3a03736.jpg (220x299, 10K)

Fucking massive. The industry incumbent bends the knee *before they even launch*.
user, chainlink isn't EVEN a full testnet yet, not even really in beta, and Oraclize, who have been an actual real-life operating business for years, have already jumped on board.

I think TC was interesting because it means anyone running TC to roll their own oracle shit can be upsold to ChainLink, and maybe even competitors that build on TC would end up baking in CL compatibility.

Oraclize is interesting because it seems to me that while Oraclize was previously an exclusive choice- either you use oraclize OR you use chainlink, it might now be the case that all oraclize customers are compatible with chainlink.

Which means that the leading "competitor" just decided to make it easy for all their clients to use chainlink.

"Competitor" in quotes because if chainlink is focused on building a network of oracles then it's not even a competitor to oraclize- it's building an arena for individual oracles providers to battle.

>how much is Sergey paying them
lol It would be the other way around. Oraclize bent the knee and kissed the ring.

>big dad serg


For me, its the McChicken.

Stop throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk.

I'll scry if I want to.

this is an absolutely terrible photo and it is also how i imagine every group of dudes prancing around san francisco looks. and i am actually a bagholder.

Attached: 1551481419871.jpg (1124x1537, 990K)