hi Jow Forums migrant here, here to buy the bottom
Hi Jow Forums migrant here, here to buy the bottom
This isn't the bottom sir
It's sad how the jews have brainwashed us into thinking asses are attractive.
Don't get me wrong. They are. But the obsession over them is precisely to sterilize us.
>in b4 conspiracy
okay then. What is it? We just so happen to obsess insanely over asses all of a sudden despite our 100,000 year history?
Buy Doge
Short pran
hi pajeet, I'm sure you had a rough year but fret not, I will buy your bags you've suffered enough set yourself free
Please to buy chainlink sir
Ur 3 months too late but still only about 20% higher
Men have always enjoyed asses. Get a grip.
when we were monkeys we would sniff ass
lipstick is to mimick the red outline of the anus
you should be more worried about the shift from 3d to 2d pornography sterilization scheme
and the BLACKED scheme to stop white women reproducing white children
>3d to 2d pornography sterilization scheme
explain pls
I am also curious about this sirs
there is no sterilization sChEme
Could you imagine being this much of a brainlet fucking Kek.
This. 3DPD may be wretched but it's your duty to engage with it.
You jerk it to 2d shit so you become disinterested in 3d, how hard is this shit to understand
2d fapping is a coping mechanism for being rejected by 3d
wrong, ass is clearly designed to stimulate sexual arousal centers, since that is where vagina is. The reason men finds boobs so attractive is because it looks like an ass
I hope they both brapped in her face at the same time
It's a substitute, not necessarily a cope. I could go out and find some sloot to bring home and fuck, but I don't because I don't like sloots. There are no decent women left in western society. They are all, every single one a fucking piece of trash whore. mgtow is unironically the best way for a man to live. gather wealth, guns, ammo, and wait for the collapse. Then the when the whores look to you for protection, tell them to fuck off and die. Unless of course they can serve a practical purpose.
overstimulation, same thing why all anime is over the top, if you get down the rabbit hole you fuck up your brain and can't enjoy normal relationships
Go back to your containment board fags
How would you know this if you just sit in your moms basement all day you loser.
>these seething roasties itt
HelIo reddit