Every single day gorgeous women are getting fucked senseless by everyone but me. What stock or crypto do I need to go all in on with my life savings to change this?
Every single day gorgeous women are getting fucked senseless by everyone but me...
It's terrible to think about. Why couldn't I be born a rich boy with endless gibs from the parents :'(
>wahhh why doesn't everything just fall on my micropenis lap???
kek change your personality
> be more normie
Dont bother with crypto and for stocks your best bet are reverse mergers like VYST or crispr stocks like EDIT
You should invest all of your money equally in diversified assets. Don't get anxious if the prices go up or down, remember your main objective is to make good investments.
If you actually fucked a woman like this and she fell for you you would get sick of her in a week.
This is the cruelest joke of them all. The journey is more important than the destination. Embrace it user, because once you get there, you're back in the same spot.
>Chosen Tales
What did she mean by this?
>the spymasters of israel
this is true. we're like dogs chasing cars. no idea what to do once we catch one, would rather be back in our yard licking our balls, napping in the sun.
she's got a great set of ta's but her teeth are jacked and her fansonly doesnt have any nudes.
You're overstating the everyone part. There's like twelve guys on the entire planet fucking all these top tier roasties.
Probably just Nauticus senpai. Also some decent social skills.
Just be yourself bro
>ripplepilled and bitsed.
>Every single day gorgeous women are getting fucked senseless by everyone but me. What stock or crypto do I need to go all in on with my life savings to change this?
bitmax fantom vite
Look dude. I'm surrounded by willing potential partners of both genders. Some of those potentially willing partners fit my paradigm of attractiveness closely enough that I would have sex with them. There is enough mutual attraction for sex. Yet it doesn't happen. For the record I'm tall, dark, and handsome. Blondes look at me special. Redheads, and bottle redheads, look at me that way too.
My mental/personal issues outweigh everything else. Food for thought. Seriously. I can't accept myself and women/men who want to jump on my dick based on physical attraction are trying to talk me out of being such a fuckup. Like I've had sex workers try to tell me to be more confident.
I don't know what the fuck to say else man. If you're over the age of 20 we're all fucked up. I don't know what the fuck to even say to you.
Spend 110% of your money in international women’s day swag. That’s what they like.
Well that would simplify things.
you need hormone therapy but i can't tell which kind
I don't know what extra aggression would do for me.
I'm pretty sure I need T therapy
How would the addition of the T-Virus help?
Bat coin
confidencecoin. Mooning as we speak.
Nice blog phaggeroni
Man, I just want to fuck G ot H cup titty chicks who aren't fat.
I have tried, granted they were all Japanese. Was nice.
I suggest trying to find someone that is different to all the potential partners that are around your circle. Not necessarily a complete drastic change from what you expect in a partner but rather, someone who catches you off guard. Physical attraction comes first then its the ideas and personality behind the looks that keeps you together. In your case I wouldn't say its confidence but rather a higher level of expectations that the person chasing you isn't just interested in your meat.
t. 23 turbo doomer who gives advice to rich neets.
>I have tried, granted they were all Japanese. Was nice.
Living the dream man.
>tips and advise appreciated ;_;
Just seems to me like they smell a little too much like hoisin sauce. Asians don’t seem to have the best dental hygiene either
This woman is ugly as sin. Why would you want to fuck her?
give discord ill add you and give tips and tricks.
>Asians don’t seem to have the best dental hygiene either
I've noticed that... It's... Discomforting.
>give discord ill add you and give tips and tricks.
Literally only use it for pr0n discords :(
cant find ya ill try later tonight.
>cant find ya ill try later tonight.
I'd go all in on confidence and not giving a fuck. Treating them kind of like shit, but actually having fun, they like to know their place.
Just do push-pull (Indicate Attraction/Compliment - Tease or let them know they're fucking stupid)
It works because if you're in a postion(At least mentally) to tease them it indicates that you must be of higher status than them otherwise where'd you get the balls?
But also let them know you appreciate something attractive about them so they don't think they're non-sexual objects in your eyes and think you're either taken or opposite sexual orientation(A Huge faggot)
> caring about roasties
Never gonna make it.