How do I become an entrepreneur?

How do I become an entrepreneur?

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Find market
Find need
Plug solution into market need

Make something that people qould buy like crack

uber or doordash

Be either a true .00001% prodigy or be brought up in an affluent family with a runway to success with the smart to go along with it.

>he fell for the entrepreneur meme

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Do you realize how many books and college courses and seminars there are on this shit, and yet you're asking Jow Forums. Cut to the chase by racking up a bunch of debt and killing yourself

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buy or make something for cheap, sell it for more

Actually this is incorrect.

1) create something
2) sell for a lot more than it cost you to create
3) market it creatively

My advice was for SAAS companies. Charge 10x-100x what you think you should

Invest in knee pads.

Jow Forums is free you dink

Yeah man, better to be poor.

turo your car to someone who ubers, airbnb a room, sell fake celeb crafts on etsy, dropship to boomers on FB and your mark fucking cuban of your neighborhood

I find repugnant that someone is able to write that shit

I'm 35 and am on my 3rd business after managing my parents retail store for 4 years. Don't fall for the gimmicks, get rich quick schemes, or anything else. It sounds cliche, but find something you're genuinely interested in and live it. The average entrepreneur starts and fails at least 2-3 businesses before getting something that sticks.

For example, I lived in a cubicle doing marketing, advertising, etc. I was really good at it, but hated being caged up. It spilled in to the work place eventually getting me fired. I went back to community college and learned winemaking and viticulture, and now am working towards opening my own tasting room on main street in my home town. AMA

Put your anus on craigslist

Jow Forumsentrepreneur

>on my 3rd business

Something that I don't get is how you can try and restart multiple times. How long did it take after all those tries to realize it didn't work and you needed to attempt something else?

I'm a cubicle slave who could possibly leverage $50K to start up something but honestly that feels like a long shot, just for context.

What was your least successful business venture and why?

Based wageslave user breaking free and living his dream

>spilled into the work place
Can you fucking at least share the good stuff, user? What the fuck happened? Did someone test your shit and you did a Mike Tyson head weave and gave them an uppercut from hell?

YouTube scarcely dressed women in front of TA charts in thumbnails, say i love you a lot and emphasize odds based testimonials as evidence of your method working. call yourself full time trader and successful while reminding viewers they can reach you around the clock if they go vip and getting that huge discount in the soon to be pricey course.
rent room and limo and hire woes to record the videos, make up to look healthier and wear a rented pricey suit you adjust nonchalantly.if skinny put on some weight eating cheap fast.

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best bet so far