Req bros we are going to make it

req bros we are going to make it

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>paypal 2.0
>shrimp tracking

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how many REQ threads are you pathetic cunts gonna make

Get in faggots, we’re mooning


I sell my request stack to buy link and req fucking moons?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I finally thought I'd swing out and rebyy my request later after all this fucking time and req moons before link

Fuck my fucking life

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Never sell REQ at these prices. Use this opportunity to accumulate like everyone else.

>selling req for link at a 25:1 ratio
Jow Forums how many times do i have to tell you? they will be 1:1 at a future point

Buy now, it's not too late

So why is REQ pumping?

Is 250k REQ tokens enough to make it?

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I hope there's good mozzarella restaurants in Miami and the team has a lot of fun. I want these frenchiesincintivized with living the big life and going from conference to conference and eating out and being fucking celebrities in their own little chunk of the world, while I trade my sizeable stack thanks to the excellent efforts of Astro's team of pajeet fudders posting for bsv peanuts. I pledge to use all my massive future gainz wisely and in service of the good fight (fite me irl, protip you cant).

t minus 3 months to total unREQtment

You will sell too soon though.
25k is where it's at.

The lack of an encryption layer on the service was fudded last week when the v2 alpha announcement was made. In fairness, the update was completely shit and the encryption layer was important enough that they should have had it implemented for them to even say they're in the Alpha version.

Anyways, now they started work on it, so it's finally gonna be an actual service you can use, even if a bit limited in scale yet

y-you sure?



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You have gave into fomo user, request has fallen so much it's unbelievable, the fud had been fantastic because I've been able to buy so low.

If you want to make it in crypto you can't be doing what everyone else is, there was no way REQ could fall further as volume had dropped to about

I can't believe REQ actually mooning.

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I just fomoed back in.

Previously sold 350k req somewhere around 1.8-2c to buy link at 46-48c

Just sold around 12k link to buy back 226k req at 2.45c.

Fuck I'm dumb

so they commit a new dir called encryption and we get 15%

I'm the faggot who's been making daily APOOLOGIZE REQ threads anytime it's gone green like 0.1% just for days like this when the faggots who sold feel extra special selling this. If you believe the FUD, you will be poor. This isn't 2018 anymore

Ugh that's expensive

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>$100 processing fee

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Lol get dumped on faggots

What will 1 REQ token be worth at the height of the next bullrun?


Pls b srs

No one fucking knows retard