Rarely posted on biz

>rarely posted on biz
>easily the best coin on the market
Wow, you guys are fucking stupid as fuck.

Attached: 1540694823799.png (331x347, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This shit consistently has a post about it. I have a small bag, but this is not going to take off for a long time...

>a post
>a literal single post per hour
>meanwhile everyone else is shilling shitcoins constantly
uhhhhhhhhhh am I the only white person on biz?

I feel for you bud. I'll be going all in when the time comes, but I feel there is money to be made in the meantime

good luck brah
either rlc shoots up to 12k+ sats or it corrects to 6k

im betting 12k

RLC will go to ETH level gains in a year or two. Just too bad they got INTEL thats dead in the water and not AMD the future of computing.

I wouldn't say intel is dead in the water. They'll figure something out. AMD still has room to improve too. Also it's not like iExec couldn't work with AMD too if they really wanted to.

I agree though, it smells like ETH level gains.

>implying he is something special
fuck off new fag

Attached: ahem (2).png (500x500, 121K)

The samsung hype killed a lot of iexec's momentum. People would rather buy tokens related to an app being added to an app store.
With v3 this will be the first large commercial use of SGX for intel so expect a lot of marketing when the time comes.


Attached: 1547605302712.jpg (350x617, 105K)

You post a new thread every three hours you fucking retard

It gives us more time to fill our bags ;)

R3dpill me

>rarely posted on biz
its one of the most shilled buys on biz, up there with LINK

Rarely posted on Jow Forums
>stopped reading right there


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12K Confirmed?

>rarely posted on biz

this will bleed more like a stinking camembert
let me know when its moving UP

It’s been moving up for the last 3 months

What's the point of rlc?

yes but I'm not sure about accumulating right now

So why does any of what they do need to go through blockchain ?

How can the tokens ever be worth this x1000 everyone is drooling about,
I just don't see it

Attached: 8b7f89ef848f35dd315511bfde6df0ae.jpg (235x372, 27K)

Dawn Song goin to eat your baguette white boy

>So why does any of what they do need to go through blockchain ?
decentralization... consensus and proof the job was actually done
>How can the tokens ever be worth this x1000
same could be said for every other token/coin
the idea is that AWS is worth X so if this captures Y% of the market it should be worth Z

Dawn Song, the teacher with 0 citation about cloud computing ?

Why are we still talking about 1 fucking woman who’s a full time teacher

Who is this girl and why is she now popping up in every RLC thread? This poster is clearly the only one doing it. What’s the story?

Utter cope. Typical europoos stuck in an old out of date paradigm. Cloud computing is last decade's buzzword, Oasis is so much more than a mere cloud.


This cunt is the only one bringing her up. Go suck her dick poorfag


We Google now.

I love that fucking down Asian man

That downy chink midget is unironically a fucking genius


He's ahead of it's time. You won't understand

Only a 20 IQ poster doesn't know what a decontralized cloud is, fucking pleb.