Landlord/SemiSlumlord here AMA

WIll answer questions you might have if you are thinking about letting out your property.

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How do I make money while also making some black family's life a living hell?

ah starting with the easy questions.
advertise for cheap rental. get the family of blacks you want to fuck over. then let them sign a 5 year contract with 15% escalation pa.

Worst experience stories please

>they destroy the unit and then disappear
Next move?

Can you do it 100% legally or do you absolutely need shady tactics?

I inadvertantly had a slum tenant a few years ago. 4 months deposit, 2 months behind when I went to court, eviction ended up taking another 5 months, house was trashed on top. Tenant of course has zero money, zero possessions, so I'm sitting on a big fat loss. The roughly 1.5 years before it all crashed and burned weren't nearly enough to cover for the loss.
So I'm thinking if I slumlorded intentionally I would need some kind of way to "encourage" tenants to leave, instead of evicting. How do you do it?

It is called violence.

>Evicting a single mother
lol good luck with that. Maybe you get the place back in ten years (with all appliances gone)

El chapo trap house absolutely hates you guys. They fucking loathe landlords.

Why do you expect anyone here to know whatever spic/nigger gibberish you are talking about?

Is section 8 the ultimate red pill for poor property investors?

What you want is no tenants to wreck your shit. Rent out storage space instead. Not a lot can get damaged there.

I looked it up and it appears this is a basedboy podcast? How do they reconcile culturally appropriating such a name as "Chapo Trap House" for their podcast? In any case, for a grown white man to have issues with landlords... they must also have issues with daddy or something.

ah very good question. this is where my first rule comes into.
You have to vet your tenants. The most important part of the vetting is employment record. You dont rent to a person with less than 2 years with current employer. When they destroy the unit and skip you garnish their wages.

Garnishing their wages means that their employer now owes you that rent arears and damages. Now the thing about garnishing wages is you have to make the amount low enough so the nigger wont quit his job. For example if he earns 1000 a month and you take 300 a month he will think: Whitey taking a third o my pay, better find another job. But id you only take $40 you can deduct that for decades without them caring.

When i rent my units out i tell the tenants that i will never raise their rent as long as they do the upkeep. I have a couple that has been renting now for 12 years and have never seen or heard from them again. they pay me every month and thats it. My contract does state that rent is increased every year, but if they dont bother me i dont bother them.

that's great, add in a high interest rate on anything owed and now you have a slave for life.

my record was 11 years. initial debt 1300. total paid 15600

i dont rent to single mothers


really good point about employment history. That's one of the most reliable markers for loans too.
they're a bag of bad credit. Credit ratings are really good predictors for how someone lives their life in general. With the exception of unforeseen medical expenses I can guess how filthy someone's house/life is by what their credit looks like

i had a unit where the tenats broke out the door posts and widows and all electrical wires literally everything they could sell for scrap metal. I told them to leave and they accused me of being unchristian.

Kek. That is hilarious.

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Any really fucked up stories?

Which cities are you buying in? I'm looking to pick up more good areas for rentals

dublin and berlin
