>Chainlink and Oraclize are actually very expensive for what they do and don't really provide us with any feature we don't already have/want. Intel SGX (and other trusted execution environments for that matter) don't really get rid of trust but just move the trust burden to the intel architecture which I don't have a lot of faith in. I think we can get similar data integrity guarantees using zero-knowledge proofs once gas costs reduce for on-chain proof verification which I hear is in the works. Maker's Oracles have been in production for over 19 months now and proven very robust even during network congestion. Little known fact, more projects use Maker's Oracles than Chainlink and Oraclize combined ;)

t. makerdao team member

Attached: 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>> pl delete i am 100% linker.

Absolutely based and inconceivably redpilled
It's over for Linkers and their pipedream

>Little known fact, more projects use Maker's Oracles than Chainlink and Oraclize combined ;)

nigger not yet mainnet. so this argument is not valid

man fuck this im market selling and putting it on samsung coins fuck u biz and fuck chainlink u niggers

Is this a sad reverse shill?
>14% of MakerDao price oracles are FUBAR
>There are only 14 price sources for the MakerDao price oracle. 2 of them are AWOL.
>That is a lot of responsibility that these 2 have decided to stop providing.
>These are supposed to be well-known members of the community.
t. the title of the plebbit thread you're quoting from

Attached: sergey rude.png (1432x1066, 2.42M)

Fuck what is MAKERDAO really?
They are going to kill a lot of coins aren't they?
Tether, LINK, what else?

>actually very expensive for what they do
>$89M+ is held in a CDP
If they're confident enough in their delayed price feed to save a few dollars that's great, but if it fucks-up, they're in quick trouble.


>Chainlink and Oraclize are actually very expensive for what they do
How can they know? Mainnet hasn't been launched yet, therefore there is no consensus among operators and requesters. This is just a baseless and way too premature fud. And if it isn't useful for marketdao, others will find in chainlink a way to overcome costs

>Chainlink and Oraclize are actually very expensive for what they do
They should have bought link early on when they had a chance. It’s only going to get more expensive for these companies to exist without link.

Big enterprise better fomo in before it hits $1, else their competition will snatch the biscuit first.

Attached: 4A909D82-C36C-4299-95F7-9C31F529BD21.png (640x425, 77K)

There's no way that I'm dropping 1 link for per api request. That's just insane if you need a constant stream of data.

>Big enterprise better fomo in before it hits $1, else their competition will snatch the biscuit first.

mfw around one thousand autists and neets already snagged the remaining crumbs and are the reason they can’t have lion’s share of cheaper linkies.

Attached: CAD1CBAD-A716-477C-BC8C-52086EE0EA3E.jpg (499x499, 43K)

uwotm8? what do you think the 650m supply is for niggers

1k for an api request would be a lot. Don't worry, they're are aiming for the node to be able to handle multiple requests per second.

HAHAHAHAHAHA stinky linkies on suicide watch. It’s unironically over. Link already mooned. Get out while you can.


It’s to keep the price from fluctuating too aggressively from speculation, not nessesarily to suppress it to the cost of a cup of coffee. But we’ll see.

Deja vu from Oraclize a few months ago. In b4 MKR announces they’re using Chainlink to provide decentralized oracle services. All will bend the knee.

i wonder what hardware they use if they don't believe in intel. don't get me wrong, there's room for improvement, but improvement happens in steps.

just hipster hating on big corps, nothing new here


>It’s only going to get more expensive for these companies to exist without link.
18 decimals though



Get out of here with this knee bending shit you gay faggot.


>t. makerdao team member

t. threatened person who is trying to cope

Tell me more brainlet!

>competent team
>Russian scam
>1 developer
>expensive for what it does

I love them both but if I had to choose, I'd go with makerDAO
Sergey always struck me as a brainlet who is way over his head

*two developers

Sergey is a philosophy major. He hasn't coded a single line.

Sergery isnt a developer, he's just a philosophy major (kek)

Ok so let's have MakerDAO be the de facto oracle standard for the entire industry.... are you fucking stupid? Maker will also sell their oracles over chainlink. Chainlink is the entire oracle market. Imagine not buying

All the data sources are centralized points of failure anyway that's why link is useless

late adopter cope.

the people with the data, and the contracts that need it, are the only people that wield the power. chainlink is nothing but glue, a middleman code connecting them together, but anything that is able to bypass chainlink immediately becomes orders of magnitude cheaper, simpler, and with less trusted parties.

chainlink will literally never be considered for high value/highly required contracts and data. the economics and security assumptions don't make any sense.

There's still time, do it

philosophy is like having an operating system for a persons brain

hes the CEO of chainlink's company

dont you want the person running a company to have a good operating system? wouldn't you want someone who has a good operating system in their brain to allow them to make good decisions, a good philosophy of meeting the best contacts, and a good philosophy behind hiring the right people?