Is Jow Forums right about link?

did biz shill btc and eth early aswell or did they shill digibyte and chaincoin?

how do we know if link really isnt vapor and will make people rich? i mean look at mobius or zapp, oracles aswell but 1% of price because maybe not target shilled.

Attached: 13C.jpg (900x1200, 127K)

They shilled the fuck out of eth. I was trying to learn about robinhood stocks and real estate when the board got flooded with eth spam. "Its gonna be just like that thing that already happened, but this time for us!"

Wished I had gone in at $1 when it got around $4. Checked back in and it was $10 for a while and I decided to leave it alone. When it hit 300 I left biz for a year.

damn. so are you buying link now?

Biz heavily shilled req too. A broken clock is right twice a day.

this is my big concern.

Bitcoin was shilled hard. And eth was shilled as hard as link is being shilled today. I never had the money back then, mom's cancer bills etc. But neo, OMG, xrp etc were all shilled hard here. Nothing as hard as link tho, except for eth maybe.

I remember before Bitcoin everyone would shill index funds, but after BTC everyone shilled eth.

just look into LINK and see it's the grade A shitcoin. just because biz shills it doesn't mean shit. Back with ETH and BTC there was zero competition any good so an obvious shill for those two

Digibyte was heavily shilled. Everyone saying Eth wasn't heavily FUDded is lying.


Jow Forums heavily shilled PandaCoin. With ticker PND (pump n dump). This should tell you all you need to know.

Every regularly shilled coin has an agenda, and it isn't to make *you* rich.

You seem like you’re genuinely asking so I’ll answer. It’s a good bet. I hold some but I also held some req. I would screenshot the messages on this thread and then ask the same question when the price drops. Current answers will be from swinglinkers who are getting anxious the price won’t dip.

>implying REQ didn't get to $1 a couple months after
I made truckloads of money on that call.
Fact is, they shill here, then you go to make your research. See the website, social media, communities, github activity. If all of this looks solid, you consider buying.

Me and lots of other bizraelies have been shilling NKN for a while now and we get the same FUD Ethereum got back in the days.

Attached: 1551650392335.png (1284x1082, 157K)

There are extremely promising gems shilled here, but LINK isn't one of them.

why isnt link 1 of them?

OP, this is the right answer. Hold some at least. It might work out. The idea is likely a bit too ambitious, but if they pull it off the returns should be good.

for like a few weeks, but nowhere close to how much LINK has been

>same FUD Ethereum got back in the days.
Nobody wants your bags, shoo shoo

My bags are already 3x, and we haven't even started yet.
Don't worry, you're going to my screenshot folder too.

A few months.

Jow Forums is an echo chamber. I wouldn't trust anything people tell you to buy in here. Its all shit anyway. People like to lie to promote their shitcoin and there is ALOT of misinformation spreading about link.

it seemed like a few months, but I'd say it was about two months at most, and that's a generous estimate. It might seem like the time period was longer because it became a running meme on here after Jared shat his pants during his big presentation and the price crashed.

There's a lot more going on in the world of business and crypto than just "biz shillling". Biz can be enamored with the fundamentals of a project and make progressive judgements based on the development of the company. If you can't tell the difference between Link's progress and Req's progress in the last year then you deserve to miss out.

Don't take investment advice from a Yugoslavian skee-balling forum