We all gonna make it frens

Strap in and get your helmets on frens.

Attached: oracle_frens.jpg (900x1200, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how much will link be worth q1 2020 fren?

Let's go with another larp of today. Weekend edition !


sf meetup schwag? you didn't get a t-shirt bro?

Yes, I hate you, and yes, we are keeping all the logs of the shillers and yes, BTCsv is

my vision.

I won't post here anymore.

you are in for a very bad suprise at the halving. if you don't get it or don't understand it I have no time to lose telling you (again).

proof of work speaks for itself.

and you will be persecuted for the shilling that's going on here. we have an immutable copy of this muh basket weaving imageboard, with dates and logs and the content, the pedos, the shillers and the criminals too.

many big non-pothead and non-chink players are in with me and my hash factories. you are about to get dumped on neets. winter is not over.


>Oracle partnership with chainlink
Does it means that they will get access to Oracle's cohorts of patent troll lawyers?

Frens relax.
I know nothing.
All I did was find and post the picture.

Attached: CyfkOXM.jpg (175x190, 15K)

Price forever $0.45 the ultimate stable token

im going to kms if i hear the words strap in again holy fuck

fuck you faggot

Please wear a helmet for safety.

Attached: here_we_go.jpg (316x400, 27K)


Hey that's not nice.

Listen i actually care about the financial well being of anons. I also work for the Oracle company and i can tell you that having company branded items means nothing, we gib them away like hot cakes. ama


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>tfw it really is Craig doing all the btchsvlgbtq shilling and shitposting. Sad desu.

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oracle recently tried to get $2m out of us for an extended java support contract for old jdks. we said fuck that and uninstalled it everywhere, broke a few apps and told the business to use something else lmao

That's a spicy meat ah ball.

good luck with the re-writes. shouldve paid the java rep you kunt

Can you not post this picture of me. Thanks faggot

yeah no, as a result we are banning the purchase of vendor products that use java

im not surprised man. I sell other things for oracle that arent applications. so i understand the proposition well

actually might as well ask, whats your take on Autonomous Datawarehousing in OCI?

wait what does this mean
is oracle a bully company
cause that would be bullish

yes bully, google oracle audit for a taste

Can I send you a dick pic?

what's so funny? it was 42c yesterday
you do know how cmc works, right?

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PLEASE KEEP BUYING OUR BAGS HAHAHAHA t.og linklet bizlet, milonair

i remember when meme this was first posted. probably a top 10 Chainlink meme, along with that african production crew dancing with LINK Cubes. Life's gonna be so different... It already is. Some OG linkies were all-in LINK with 6-figure stacks at the bottom, before it mooned against BTC and ETH in 2018. Pretty much everyone from that group is /comfy/ and just sitting back, just watching recurring FUD-cycles, new linkies joining in discovering what we first hand witnessed. I'd say there are about 30-50 of us, and I'm sure they would agree with me when I say the following:
>The trajectory of Chainlink has been absolutely insane to watch
Many of you here now dont realize how much information you have at your fingertips because of the hours of debate that occurred from September 2017 till April 2018. Back in the day, the Chainlink team didn't even have a functioning twitter account. There was nothing there to catch the attention of anyone. That's what drove us in the first place. Why is this blockchain industry startup doing a POC with Swift, and not marketing it? From there we learned about and debated oracles. Some anons took to twitter to directly debate Oraclize on decentralization being redundant for oracles. Now Oraclize IS Chainlink. And so is Town Crier.
What Sergey and his team have done prove to us OG Linkers, who were thirsting for some sign that they weren't crazy for seeing between the lines, that they are the pack of wolves they claimed themselves to be. The 2-developer FUD is completely unheard of now. Those "2-developers" swallowed up the top two of their "competitors" because they saw a future of collaboration being essential to bringing fair financial products to the masses, while not shitting on the banks like Bitcoiners want. They're visionaries. Sergey has been signalling that to us from the beginning. Why do you think he wears the same shirt everywhere? It's no coincidence the amount of mythology that was spawned as a result.
LINK $1000

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6 figure Link stack (in USD) at the bottom holder here. I refuse to believe everything dug up over the last year and a half is coincidence. All my gains from early BTC, ETH, ANS, and various others have been in Link for over a year now and I am just sitting comfy knowing this stack will give me financial freedom soon. And likely before age 30. Seems delusional sometimes but then I think of all the crazier shit that's happened in this world and don't even bat an eye.

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