Link vs eth

what will perform better?

Attached: veronicabielik1334205473.jpg (1080x1294, 102K)

eth needs link, link does not need eth

Whoever is posting these beautiful women thank you. Really brightens my day. Its easy just to appreciate their beauty when you're not addicted to porn.

so why does eth need link? vitalik said link is overvalued at 30m$?

Fucking cringe, I hope you kill yourself

This DESU.

Attached: CHASE_A_DIP_NEVER_SWING_A_LINK(1).jpg (894x575, 245K)

If you don’t understand what link does after being on biz just kys, you spoonfed retard

If anyone finds this disgusting trap hot, you should kys right now.

after you faggot

Attached: are_ya_winnin_brainlet.png (1092x1050, 120K)

Yet one has gone x1000 the other is 40 cents
Stay deluded

completely backwards

ethereum can do with any kind of oracle, native, off-chain, sidechain, whatever. link might work, might not, doesn't matter because it's entirely replaceable with another oracle.

link on the other hand needs ethereum, having won the smart contract platform race, to work with it. if ethereum can't scale, or works around link, link has nowhere else to go other than private chains.

ethereum is the only smart contract platform that matters, link hasn't even come close to launching, let along proving itself over a multi-year period like ethereum did. cope harder late adopter.

Eth needs oracles. If link is not adopted by the industry eth won't need link.

I just killed myse....l...............

bitmax, fantom, vite = undervalued gems and next to pump

>beautiful women
are you seeing that face? fucking ruined with surgery. Another one bites the dust

ETH will probably have better risk-adjusted returns
LINK is looking like a colossal project tho
I'm holding both. Only because I can retire of both bags. If you have to choose one to 'make-it' with, your best choice is LINK of course.

If you’re looking at her face you might a fag

Imagine getting to smell that ass.

A perfect body is nothing without a perfect face.

She looks like a fucking mutt

Spoken like a true faggot

gotta make sure its a girl these days..

You ruined it. Sniffing may as well be fear smiling.

>native oracles
Will never exist according to ethereum design principles. Literal nov 17 fud.

Polish instragram model Veronica Bielik. She apparently only did her boobs and nothing else.

>She apparently only did her boobs and nothing else.
her fucking face, are you blind? look at those lips