Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin

Last chance to hop into Bitcoin (SV) before people understand what _unwriter just did.

Pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you don't need to be a computer scientist to know people who larp as 1337 h4x0rZ on twitter with their windows cmdline are 100% snake oil

bcash2 could literally solve every single one of bitcoin's problems and it wouldn't matter, because bcash2 is just yet another fork, and bitcoin is bitcoin.

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Lol @ calling unwriter a larper.

Ya the fact that they use the windows terminal by choice is pretty self evident of that.

what he did?

oh rly? what terminal do you guys use?

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brainlet here... what did he do?

deleted system32

Is this a fucking OS on BITCOIN???????????

Holy fuck and you idiots still hold BTC AND LINK


stop basing your investment decisions on e-celebs, retard
your assignment for today: close Jow Forums, google "eleanor roosevelt quote", then take an hour to actually think about it

Fudders are scared to explain.
Let's see how they downplay this.

>on BITCOIN???????????
no, its on some altcoin nobody cares about.

So its unhackable os?

It's gonna be so juicy when core will post their suicide prevention hotline add all over Reddit again

i was all in link now i am 50-50

I don't get it faggot explain to a sophisticated investor




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Checked. The Link drones are finally waking up.

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can a non-fudder explain? What is the significance of this? Is there a vishnu living on the blockchain?

Everything will be living on the Blockchain soon.


now the question

how many to make it

If it ever takes it's rightful place over btc 1 will be all that is needed.

I am poor. I only have 0.34 BTC of BCHSV on binance.
Now watch as a rabid band of shills descend on this thread to explain why CSW is just a conman who happens to spend all his time writing papers and obtaining patents, and how every single paper and patent, as well as every single reviewer of said papers and patents are just playing a part in some undefined long con conspiracy.
Then watch as they disappear before ever talking about the substance of this paper or at best make a withering one-line attack.

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>mfw sitting comfy with my ETH stacks laying dick on all this BTC clones throwing shit at each other

he said non fudder

Do I look like a fudder to you or did you just look at the ironically posted image and not read the post?

No thanks, Hadji.

ETC is the real Ethereum

That’s more than most retards on here.

he hid all files and folder in the root directory, then typed "dir" in the windows CLI

How many stinky bsv to buy crappy 2010 Honda Accord with under 100k miles :( i have 35 that I bought at 120 is that enough :((((((

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too bad you need 200 bsv coins for that

>Then watch as they disappear before ever talking about the substance of this paper or at best make a withering one-line attack.
its usually the other way nigga
sv shills disapear when presented actual arguments and evidence and then start a new thread like nothing happened

which is actually the case, etheruem classic is the only fork on the right side of history, but the network effects of ethereum are too strong. classic will outlive bcash1 and bcash2 though, precisely because it's the original chain.

Thanks just bought 100k

>88 meg disk
Luxury! Pic related gave me 0.99 kilobytes out the box. That’s 0.00000099 megs

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Anyone can write a paper and there are a million journals that will publish them. You can patent any old wank.

Sirs here is graphical representation of real Satoj network please consider

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No it's the opposite, it's an unpatchable OS

Wow. Bought 100k


Is he running Windows on the bsv blockchain?

Bsv seems interesting. It makes me feel how I did back around 2009/2010, reading about Bitcoin, where everyone said it was stupid and a scam for dumb internet libertarians to lose their money.

The people interested in Bitcoin made sense, but I never bought any. Instead, I made fun of the buttons, too. I thought all these people making fun of it- they must be smarter than me, they must know things I don't.

Getting the same feeling from baby is making me feel the fomo pretty damn hard.

- Putting everything on the blockchain just makes sense. Operating systems (e.g., windows like in the OP), snippets of programs, etc. I'm wondering if it even makes oracles unnecessary if we go all the way to the ultimate end.*

- full traceability to make crime harder to hide. The idea that Bitcoin is for criminals has never made any sense to me, given that it permanently stores a record of all transactions.

- it makes sense to fight the idea that Bitcoin must be a story of value instead of a currency in order to remain able to run on a raspberry pie for censorship resistance so libertarian wackos can live out their anti-government fantasies. The rest of us are happy with traceability in our banking transactions and don't want to hide purchases from the government, we just want to prevent our money from being devalued via inflation. It still resists censorship where it matters (e.g., Venezuela).

> Getting the same feeling from baby is making me feel the fomo pretty damn hard.

Should be from "bsv" not from "baby".

so what are the pros of running an OS on-chain?

yeah, i would also like to know

IoT among other things

nothing user


Wait, are you ironic or just retard?

I have no idea. Personally, I can't see any directly useful application. Maybe the stuff you build on top of the OS could be useful? It seems like we'd get eternal backward compatibility at least- if you were ever worried that one day you wouldn't be able to play StarCraft again, then maybe having StarCraft and the OS that runs it live forever on a publicly-accessible / publicly-runnable world computer would be neat. Worth paying for? I don't know. Still, it seems like a cool thing to do and sometimes big things come out of cool but useless-seeming things.

I will say that this seems like an alternative to ChainLink. Instead of needing a network of oracles to bring API data onto the blockchain, could faketoshi scale BSV to the point that all APIs just run on the blockchain in the first place? You don't need oracles to bring API data to the blockchain if you just bring the whole API to the blockchain.

Chainlink will probably still do well as an intermediate solution for legacy off-chain APIs, though.

I've worked with unwriter... he's actually a decent hardworking dev.

Sadly,unwriter's recent accomplishments with BSV amount to uploading arbitrary data onto blockchain. This data is completely useless and not easily found except when indexed and processed through a website that unwriter made.

It's actually worse than crap like cryptokitties since it doesn't even make any use of blockchain besides as (effectively) a write-only, decentralized backup medium.

>Operating system

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Imagine running your OS remotely on a server (e.g. connecting with SSH)

Now imagine an incredibly slow and expensive infrastructure in between you and that machine. That's what's happening.

Not even that ... you have to run the OS on an emulator that only exists on a website that unwriter owns. Nothing is being 'run on chain'. The blockchain is just there as a data storage backend akin to a library of CD ROMs.

>Sadly,unwriter's recent accomplishments with BSV amount to uploading arbitrary data onto blockchain. This data is completely useless and not easily found except when indexed and processed through a website that unwriter made.
Is that different from other websites?

He has some Instagram-like toy. I haven't looked at the code, but using the blockchain as the backend instead of a webserver seems cool.

Even if that's dumb, using the blockchain as your database - behind your webserver - also seems cool.

wasn't the point to have an on-chain filesystem? You could install an OS onto that, and at least in theory, boot it.

The feasibility for an OS where every write operation costs money is obviously nil, but from an experimental standpoint it's pretty cool

>The blockchain is just there as a data storage backend akin to a library of CD ROMs.
Still pretty cool.

Imagine your webserver is a program that runs in a container. The program is stored on the blockchain and the container reads it during setup. Thus, no logic is being run on the chain, nor needs to be, but the program can still use the blockchain as a database.

y-yes sir!! we are storing an operative system in the most expensive and difficult way there is on the world to store data!! cant you see that!!1!!1

we are going to the moooooooooon

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cloud seems to be a bit more affordable (free) scale better and faster but whatever

>using the blockchain as your database
It's not really the database though. For that he uses MongoDB or whichever thing is trendy today. The actual database is a regular database that gets populated by processing blockchain with special purpose code.

In principle if all of unwriter's services went down, someone else could run the same code and reconstruct the same database. So the blockchain is used more like a backup medium.

>makes you think

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It will be faster to read data off the blockchain than your SSD in about 10 years.

lets go boys

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do you even know how a blockchain works you fucking little piece of retarded shit?

cant you see that you are literally being scammed? you are giving one of the most precious thing in the world (BTC) for some fork of a fork, you unironically deserve to die poor, and you will, dont be wrong.

At this point it's impossible to tell if the people on biz are actually this retarded or are just playing it

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>10 years
kek that would be like floppy disks now
we will probably use holocubes or something

not sure whats special about an empty dir listing other than the time stamp being 2003.

that would be awesome. value would increase exponentially

Sounds less cool that way but I guess it makes sense. Blockchain is probably the most reliable backup and most applications probably don't need to execute in a trustless manner.

However, I'm having a hard time seeing how something like chainlink could be obviated without bringing more things on chain.

Maybe that means it won't be a threat to ChainLink after all.

By the way some people might be thinking "why not just use IPFS?" Good point, except IPFS is designed to lose data that is not kept 'fresh' by activity or by pinning.

I'd argue however that in the long term, the BSV blockchain will suffer the same fate if it gains success. It will become more and more expensive to run these kinds of full-chain services, so service operators will have to start charging to access their giant databases. Everyone else will just be running in pruning mode.

And let's not forget the BSV child porn problem... the need to maintain censorship lists of illegal data adds to the cost of running these services. Both operational and legal costs.

Maybe the IPFS way is just better -- the internet should forget things that nobody cares about.

Lol wut

How would that even work

Even if you went to the closest cdn, network latency should be far higher than local reads

>the internet should forget things that nobody cares about
probably but i'm kinda glad the internet never forgot how creg tried to forge proof of his involvement in bitcoin 5 years later by backdating posts on his blog.

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Hahaha I was having the same thought when I posted that.

>but i'm kinda glad the internet never forgot how creg tried to forge proof of his involvement in bitcoin 5 years later by backdating posts on his blog.
Then it sounds like you'll LOVE BSV! :)

Craig said estimated it would be about 12 years. He quoted it from a book that was written recently. Basically our bandwidth at it's increasing rates will be so fast that it will be faster than accessing any internal storage. 10 years is a long time. 2009's speeds were like 10mpbs.
>The statistic shows the average internet connection speed in the United States from 2007 to 2017. In the first quarter of 2017, the average internet connection speed was 18.75 Mbps.

^ is the average speed, look at the increasing rates.

only if it btfos creg so bad he never sits again

It sounds like you're saying it's going to be faster to access the internal storage of some server via a network connection, than it is to access local internal storage. I don't really get how tasks A+B in series can be faster than task B alone.

well bittorrent can be theoretically faster than any one drive involved, but it sounds unreasonable for sure


We will have one global giant supercomputer, like a brain, which stores every information since 2019.
Pictures, Music, files in general.
But more important, programs, codes, contracts, money and transactions in general.

Every device we will use will be a screen with Ethernet only.
You will always be online as nodes build the connectivity infrastructure of the future.

And don't forget about machine learning and AI tools, having access to the real data of human civilisations.

There's only one thing which comes after Metanet, becoming an interplanetary race.

>We will have one global giant supercomputer



You know that Bitcoin is already the most powerful global computer/network in hashpower, do you?

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Why choose ms-dos of all shitty os-es to "run" on a blockchain (useless as fuck).

>global computer
its a fucking data base with an algorithm, not a computer, brainlet

You are welcome to put any OS you want on it. Also probably because of licensing.


>an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

you are a retard.

>he doesn't know bitcoin is turing complete

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Bitcoin is not an electronic device you fucking retard. It does uses existing computers to store its data

Wow. Because right now all computer's are electronic devices. Bitcoin is the future of computers. It won't be a device in the future. That's the entire innovation of metanet retard.

Topkek nice answer

Topkek nice retard

pic related shows a cuck using windows.

> right now all computer's are electronic devices
yes they fucking are, its not a computer otherwise, its a virtual machine which is a different thing

Another retard who doesn't understand that his computer monitor will have a power plug, plenty USB ports and a Ethernet an Ethernet connection which plugs you directly into the metanet.

You won't have a computer booting your OS, you will have the metanet choosing whatever the OS you want.

Imagine your fucking HDMI cable goes not into the video card but into the router

A virtual machine is a software computer that, like a physical computer, runs an operating system and applications.

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still, a cuck using windows.