What's the income version of this picture?
3.5k per month is basically slayer, from my research.
What's the income version of this picture?
3.5k per month is basically slayer, from my research.
>3.5k per month is basically slayer, from my research
before or after taxes?
I don't think 180k per year is top 0.1% of income.
Imagine the sad soul that took the time to put this together. Fit and pol have demented so many minds.
3.5k per month is what research shows women seeing a male as atractive.
maybe 3.5k is Chad level, not sure about it.
genetic trash cope
What happens if a guy has 8/10 face but is a moderate manlet.
Chad or normie?
This chart lacks nuance.
Imagine being this deluded. 400k is the top 1%.
Yeah..so 180k isn't top 0.1%...
this. tfw chad face but manlet. the genes giveth and taketh
Me too, I got a good face but manletism.
Thank god for tinder.
>tfw Genetic Trash
Is there any hope?
$10k/week is top 1%.
Doesn't matter
Don't think so.
I make 6K/month after taxes and I am still a wageslave at the end of the day. You are not making big boy money until you work for yourself and hit a million. Then you are a basic Chad. Slayers are those in the upper tens-hundreds of millions, or billions.
My salary and anything even close to it - I'd say anything below around $20K/month, is just varying levels of normie.
Below 2K/month is going into incel territory, and minimum wage is trash.
Making $0 however, but still living like a wealthy person due to your connections and/or assets which sustain you, is above slayer tier. You derive your life-energy directly from the economy's existence, and experience the true value of material goods the planet has to offer directly from the goods themselves.
I think it depends on your context.
1.5k is top 2% in my thirld world shithole, while making 350k is not enough in California.
But maybe we can agree on some numbers.
im 6'2 with a 7/10 face but a social retard. am i a chad guys?
I'm genetic trash
Im normie.
How do I level ip to chad?
take steroids
Imagine being genetic trash trying to cope this hard
tfw when normie with the height of a slayer