Half the comments on this board don't even sound human

half the comments on this board don't even sound human

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Well it's not really to be considered as it is for now, bitcoin and whole generality is superior for now on at least.

he said it like it was

It may not sound it like be but it do

Fren, the thing about it is chain lonx is mooning. I tell you now, you loose much if you do not into it.

Most people are aliens frens bro. So your right.

half the "people" on Earth are NPCs. What do you expect?

'It's just board culture user!' >#21 Canned Response


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How many XMR for a cat like this?

Sounds like russians and indians 98% of the time to me

lil kitty cat

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and you have a pink ID you fucking faggot

They're either made by Indian people with a very poor grasp on English reading from a script or young people under the age of 23 with IQs below 90. This board is a wasteland.

and yet you are still here. You must be a sub 90 iq brainlet/pajeet like the rest of us.


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>yet here you are
I'm not going to spend my entire day here like the rest of you.

its cuz they are mainly chinese shills

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More like 90+ percent

say that to my face fucker not online see what happens

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