How much of your networth is in crypto?

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all of it u absolute retard

This but unironically

I took out a few loans to buy more dogecoin

which crypto do you buy groceries with?


waiting for a clear sign of ETH and BTC bear trend end



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about 1%

So for the 100% people here (most likely all larps) how TF do you live? Bills, etc

Zero thanks to Quadriga.

Only 6.5%. I have a pretty high net worth though so 6.5% is quite a bit.

About 50%. I have about $14k in crypto. I put 85% of my paycheck into crypto every week. With the rest I buy food, make car payment, and pay phone and internet bills.

Uh my net worth is negative

They are probably not counting the small amount sitting in their bank account for living expenses. Idk if the people in this thread are larping, but I know for a fact there are a lot of Anons who (almost) are all in. Most of the people who are 90%+ invested don't have a ton of savings so it sounds more crazy than it actually is. There's a big difference between being 90% in crypto with 6 months worth of your salary and being 90% in crypto with 6 years worth of your salary.

I'm "all in"

Got about five years of salary in crypto and one year of salary in debt (cc, overdraft).

I also have about five years salary in property equity as well, so I guess I'm 50% in really. But all my cash goes to crypto, I have no savings at all. I keep a few hundred per month for expenses.

50% right now. If my fucking friend would pay me back what I loaned to his startup I would be basically 100%.

15% right now

kek, fpbp



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This unfortunately

yeah, these faggots are either larping or they're in too much debt to not sell.
After reading some of this, I'm cutting off my DCA, until the debtcucks commit mass suicide.
good, never trust an exchange.


Went into debt to buy.

I have spent nearly $300k on crypto since 2017.

I have turned that $300k into ~$150k.

I am the user who spent over $120k - including half of my 401k (you can take out up to half your 401k as a loan) - to buy 450k (actually 470k at one point) JNT. Got absolutely fucking justed.

Still have just under 200k JNT.

Also have $30k in personal loans, $14k in CC debt, owe the IRS $7k in taxes, and owe $30k to myself - have to pay back own 401k.

We are brainlets aren't we user? I had a 50k personal loan too.

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That's a coin that was shilled here massively then nothing. Honestly hope you break even at least

all of it. being an early adopter has it's upsides.


what kind of savage you have to be to not take your shoes off when you enter a house, not to mention ON THE BEDSHEETS


>which crypto do you buy groceries with?



About 30% of my net worth is in crypto and MTG

I will probably not actually own a bank account within the next 5 years.

Imagine being in accumulation phase after a 90% drop and not being all in.

>90% drop
Still have a ways to go boss

It's not just a matter of how far down we can still go. It's a matter of how long until we get to the actual bottom and then recover. You could be waiting another fucking year, just to lose half of what little money you still have left.

generally, below a certain amount, its been worth keeping money in crypto for over a year now. above a certain amount it's made sense to keep it in crypto due to taxes alone, providing you're storing the vast majority of it in btc and eth, otherwise you're going to have to trade it anyway.

what's the ideal amount of money for someone who is starting and simply wants to know how the market works?

as much as as you're willing to set alight right now.

This. based and all in pilled

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I cant get over the retard useing two cameras at the same time....

More than 100% given I took a loan to invest.

Lol good one. Fucking 0

More than I’d like to admit
Comfy though

the only correct answer