Walk into a store after BTC adoption

>walk into a store after BTC adoption
>"Hey, I'd like to buy pizza"
>"Sure, here's our BTC wallet :)
>shows QR code
>scan it and leave
>later at home check the BTC wallet
>see they have 50 BTC
>go rob the store knowing how much money I can get from the robbery beforehand

What the fuck? Bitcoin is just going to make this shit easier, everybody's financial situation is going to be exposed once they share their wallet.
You FUCKING idiots, BTC is not secure at all!!!

Attached: thinking.png (226x223, 6K)

>what is monero

>le being this new

how are you going to rob them?

you can look at the market cap on a stock and see how much money the company is worth.... can you steal the company?

Honestly a good point. I've never thought of it this way before......

Most crypto are going to be stored in banks and transferred through banks the way they are stored in exchanges right now.

this. how newb is OP?

Yeah, I don't like the idea of every balance and every transaction being public. Privacy is a cornerstone of a free society. Take that away, and Bitcoin starts to look rather dystopian.

That's exactly the same point with BTC credit cards sometime back

Are you fucking retard? Tell how the fuck you can do a robbery using the store public key. The owner of the shop, owning private keys, is drinking a mojito :fucking somewhere else, literally no robbery can happen.
This is a rare example of 50IQ level, even monkeys understood how bitcoin works.

its also gonna make kidnapping more prevalent. as soon as someone knows how much btc you have your basically a walking target.

How the fuck would you be able to rob the store ? The cashier doesn't know the private key.
And the money would be transfered to another wallet regularly anyway.

You can say that about literally every rich / public person in the present. Guess what if you have a lot of assets and people know who you are you beef up security.

OP is autistically larping

or he doesn't know how crypto works
or he doesn't know how robberies work

So don't tell people how much btc you have, what's the problem fag?

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No no no and no.
This happens way easier with cash than BTC.
One nigga point you a knife and ask all the cash in your wallet -> easy peasy
One nigga force you to go to an atm at 3am with no one around -> medium risk
One nigga knows that you got a lot of BTC, but if you have multiple wallets and multiple priv key and you are really forced, you can use an emergency one with some peanuts on it.
“Oh look he is rich”
Go ahead and try to do a robber with Rothschild you retard

POS systems will be designed to sweep the funds through mixers into other wallets

Ever heard of time delay safes? It'd be even easier to just put an hour time delay on transfers leaving their wallet.

More like
>walk into a store after BTC adoption
>"Hey, I'd like to buy pizza"
>"Sure, here's our BTC wallet :)
>shows QR code
>scan it
>wait two hours for the transaction to confirm
>wait another 30 minutes for the pizza to bake
>now it's almost dinner time instead of lunch time and you still haven't gotten your pizza

More like
>BTC is a saving account
>LN is you current account
Pay your pizza in 1 second and gtfo

weak bait

>thinking btc/ltc or any other shitcoin will be adopted as a main currency when government can create their own to keep the goyims shekels (((safe and secure)))

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Getting someones money out of the usual channels that they occupy now would take an astronomical amount of time relative to just hitting someone in the face with a wrench until they spit out their private key, crypto is easy to move.

>hitting someone in the face with a wrench until they spit out their private key
>hitting someone in the face with a wrench until they give your cash and jewelry
How different...

If you're as bullish as most here on crypto are yes there is a difference, unless you've got Hapsburg treasure in your house.

obviously bitcoin will never be adopted mainstream. it's a meme bro. Invest! You'll get rich! lolol

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>Scans Code

Kek haven’t seen this one before. Is this a sign of a new bull run?

Or zec

btc is a checks of a future
you send it and leave with pizza

ZEC ftw