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Attached: mask.png (396x384, 175K)

Yeah we straight blast past 6k and then nothing happens with BTC, but BCH ETH TRX EOS and so on will pump like no tomorrow.

what are you on about? There's no 6k in the scenario, a fraction of 60,000 btc will nudge us into the weekly 200EMA, and and it's literally uncharted territory from there. Like no past precedent has been set as we've never gone below.

Wed just go to the 500 MA, no problem.

This seems the typical apocalyptic fud during bullruns. We unironically made it, pump incoming

mayb in 2 years, we're entering a global recession rn

What am I looking at here exactly? I'm retarded...

Attached: wassa_yell.jpg (300x300, 14K)

There is no 500wma....eaven on the blx ticker

fiat is entering a permanent recession. if you're not 100% crypto, you will never make it

Tell these retarded niggers what's up.

Don't get it

BTC will moon to $100K. Use all of your savings, take out a loan, and max out your credit cards to accumulate as much of it as you can!

Who's gonna dump 60k btc ?

And in which way doesn't that pump Bitcoin which is strictly limited in amount and the only uncensorable unconfiscable decentralized money ever.

Attached: BTCfuture.jpg (1453x9996, 1.77M)

So it's going a lot lower?

-60,000 BTC in terms of what? Theres no indicators as to what the highlighted points mean. are these the amount of shorts? longs? volume? explain plz for faggot


the #4 biggest BTC address unloaded their BTC at each of those points. it moved the last of their BTC (60k) on the 28th last month.

It's over

Attached: ticktock.jpg (500x750, 102K)

For fuks sake are you even awake?