>girlfriend isn’t a virgin
>thinks he can make it
Girlfriend isn’t a virgin
But she promised it was just a handjob, user. She promised he didn't even get off
>he is no emotionally pathetic he has a gf/wife
>Thinks he will ever make it
do +18 virgins exist?
I felt like Patrick Bateman as I washed the smattering of blood out of sheets with hydrogenated peroxide
My girlfriend is a virgin tho
Find them yourself.
In Utah mostly, but the reason they're virgins is they just won't fuck anybody including you. When they do finally lose it, they'll fuck their husband on wedding night, anniversaries, and when they get baby hungry
fuck off blanka
I found a real 18+ virgin in a campus library. Took 4 dates to smash.
The fake one was a 20 something FOB from China and that only took 1 day.
ITT: Pathetic insecure incels, nothing wrong with an experienced women
>t. Cuck
>girlfriend was a virgin
>relationship gave her enough self confidence to leave you and try for "someone better"
at least I have my dog
T.incel with pseudo science graphs
shoo roastie
that is a truly disturbing drop off on the top right from 0 to 1
How is my girlfriend supposed to be a virgin when every fucking girl over 25 has a god damn kid? And I'm not really interested in spending time with an alcoholic 21 year old.
it's largely impossible, just shoot for 0-2
cute doggo
my country has the highest promiscuity rates in the world so im basically fucked
make what you stupid fucking frog poster
I literally was at the point of pulling one. Then she didn't like me anymore and married some dude only months afterwards. I didn't commit enough because jesus was always her number one.