Hey sweeties. I know you didn't buy in when I posted at 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and at 20 cents...

Hey sweeties. I know you didn't buy in when I posted at 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and at 20 cents. But surely you will buy in this time?

Attached: bat.png (225x225, 4K)

I bought at 10 cents faggit

I bought a bunch from 10-16 cents. Stop making assumptions.

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I just sold that piece of shit ~ 7,5 k for ENJIN

imagine the smell

Attached: Basic Attention Tacos.png (1000x500, 188K)

Will this go up to 0.35? Because it seems likely to me seeing how the browser is all over the news.


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(maybe save this fixed one fella, I didn't notice I missed the little white bar behind her...pony tail)

$350 eoy bare minimum heh

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You're a gem

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you fell for the distraction. BAT is the real moon

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what's up with coinmarketcap? They're showing a 7% BAT pump while Coinbase is at 11%

same. My comfy levels are off the fucking charts.

USDC will be the ultimate settlement layer for BAT (not ETH). That's why Coinbase is the only exchange that matters when it comes to price.

BAT is fucking based. I should have bought more at 10 cents

I already bought in at 25 cents. Just waiting to break even at this point.

how do people afford this many ip addresses in india

how's your bags of prl and shl faggit?

no, i dont think i will

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unironically just sold 2k BAT for BTC lmao

10.1k bat and 15 eth im going into longterm cold storage only bring it back online to accumulate more. no more daytrading. these 2 are the ones i believe in.

Cold storage is the right idea, I can't stop watching it fluctuate (which is retarded when there's no real news) but I really don't expect this shit to move worth a damn for some time, could be years; I've already made my peace (PIECE) with the idea of it going to 0 so I'm trying to stop being an autistic cock for five minutes and it's strangely difficult.

Close above .52 and target .64

Up your numbers

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